Why People Get ‘Lucky’: Getting Favoured By Fortune

Turn Luck Your Way!

So luck is a word that thrown around a whole lot when things go your way or someone gets fortunate. It is often that people say this as something to brush off your success and move it to the side as if it is not really important what you did but that the circumstances have given you the success that you have gotten. The fact of the matter is that luck favors those who take action in life. So if you feel like at some point that you had gotten really lucky or fortunate it might be due to the hard work and effort dedication that you have put into it previously.

If you look at top level athletics, musicians or artists of any kind anyone that is doing anything on a high level business anything, you will see that they are all they all get told that you got so lucky or you are so lucky what you have today. You are so lucky! When really what it comes down to is the hard work dedication and hustling every single day but most people just like to brush all of that all that off as luck. The reason why people brush success as luck is that they say it this way because they don’t want to feel bad about themselves not taking any action not moving forward and not having the things that you have so excusing it is as “luck” is just there way of simply saying that you know you just got fortunate you didn’t really desire what you have. Of cause the word is used sometimes as in to wish you some good fortune that things go your way it is a whole different scenario but right now I am talking about when people are telling you that you got lucky doing something that you perform your heart into your art form at a really high level.

People tell you that have got lucky and I am telling you now that if you got “LUCKY” is that you worked for it, you worked hard for it unless of cause it some kind of scenario where you have won something. Winning the lottery is something similar to that as it is more up to chance than luck. Luck is when things go your way; luck is when fortune favors you and if you want that to happen you have to earn it. If you take on the disbelief that you take on this mindset things will actually very quickly start to go your way. Implement it heavily in your life to see some great results great success with the day to day activities. Smiling more like the world is just kind of working out for you so that instead of always hitting resistance and bearers obstacles but instead things will start to go around going your way and luck is just something that is favoring you. So if you want some luck then earn it that is the way go don’t really let it up to chance as that is a whole another world that is another scenario. But if you want to get fortunate if you want things to go your way earn it as that is the only way that you will get it. Stop brushing other people’s success off as LUCK. That is not true they are not lucky as if anyone that is doing great and anyone who is at the top is all hard work and dedication. It is not luck maybe people got there by chance by somehow just magically overnight boom success at that point most people will not take care of what they have. So if you are getting lucky fortune is smiling at you appreciate it because you have worked hard for it.
