Making Sure You’re On Track: Pay Attention To Yourself!

Pay Attention to Yourself!

No matter what you do there will always be moments in your life where you catch yourself falling off track and falling off your purpose that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be that far from off track or even that far off your purpose but it does mean that you will be slightly getting lost at some point. No matter how hard you try if you live in the civilized world where there will be temptations and distractions all around you and it is very easy to fall for it. 

Success is often about being able to say NO! to all of the things that will take you off track but it is very important that the moment that you catch yourself falling off track or doing something that you don’t need to be doing that you change your behaviour immediately but before that you need to be able to become aware that you are making a mistake and that you are doing something that is not productive or helping you to move forward. Often that is really the hardest part because it is so hard to recognise our own behaviour if we don’t have a high enough of self-awareness so that is something that you need to develop and really work on as you have to become aware of the actions that you are taking and how it is effecting you. A lot of the time people will say yes I am on a diet or yes I am doing this type of workout routine and often when they say that most of the times they are not fully committed to it. They have “Cheat Days!” or they have days where they just fall off completely and just do everything opposite to what they have said that they would do even through that they know the actions that they are taking are not going to be helping them to move closer to there goals. The way to avoid this type of behaviour is to be able to raise your self-awareness being able to notice how it effects you and how it takes you into a down-ward spiral towards negativity and also towards results that you don’t want to be having. On the other hand you have to become extremely aware of the situations in the moments where you are successful where you are doing the right thing where you are getting the type of results that you want and you also have to make sure that you are rewarding yourself for it heavily and in the right way. You have to be telling yourself you have to tell your body to tell your mind that this is the right thing to do and also that you are doing well right now. 

You have to condition yourself for success because often times the way that have grown up or the way that you have been socialised has been conditioned towards failure. So in order to even out the playing field you have to take control today and really be able to make that switch and apply it to be pushing yourself to becoming winner. So you need to be raising your awareness right now really begin to notice the things when you are doing right and ask yourself are these things positively impacting your life in a good way and also to notice what things that you are doing that would be taking you downwards away from your goals away from the type of results that you want to be achieving. If you notice yourself doing something that you know that you shouldn’t be doing immediately take charge take control and tell yourself “This is NOT Good Enough”. Showing yourself that those actions are not the right thing to be doing as it is not the right behaviour for you to be taking action on and it is not going help you at all in the long term. You need to be able to pay attention to yourself and really notice to what you are doing paying attention to any behaviour or even any patterns any routines that you are doing that are making yourself feel negative and anything that is taking you off track you need to be able to eliminate it out of your life and out of your behavioural patterns immediately. 

Getting Inspired: Taking Action (and getting results)

Get Inspired AND Take Action!

These are two major pieces of puzzle that you won’t come very far without, however there are some major miss conceptions when it comes to inspiration and taking action. A lot of people are under the illusion that if they are inspired it makes them a SPECIAL LITTLE SNOWFLAKE and makes them feel like they can just get results because they feel inspired.

That is quit far away from the truth in fact you need to be combining the main two together very closely in order to really to get something going with your life. Just because you are inspired all the time doesn’t mean that you are taking action towards your passion, this honestly just means that you feel inspired. Feeling inspired is one things but taking that inspiration and turning into action is another thing, this is what you need to do when you get started. Need to be creating some real flow, effort and outputting results for yourself in your own life and others aswell if you are helping others. So along being inspired is very important that you put action to it in order for it actually gets you some results. That means that you need to be applying the teachings that you learn, that means taking all the information that you get and actually putting it into real use, make sure that you apply this as much as possible to get those results that you are looking for.

Changing Your Life: Create A Transformation

Transform Your LIFE!

Make that change in your life; make it happen in your very own life. Do you actually want to change? Are you going to make it real?

Put your whole heart into everything that you say, stand out from the rest and really committee to the words, the actions that you will be taking. Do great and accomplish the goals, adapt the energy of a “Winner” that goes out and makes it happen, who doesn’t talk. You need to start to walk your walk, create the transformation in your life. Take yourself seriously!

Do you think that someone who is successful goes into what he/she wants to do with second thoughts, or even a “Plan B” that is not the option of someone who is going to achieve the very best. You have the right to be powerful, to in control of your own life! You make the decisions in your life.