Be Committed (Motivational Talk: True To Your Word)

Be Committed!

Look if you don’t allow yourself cultivate with this trade, if you don’t make this a part of you daily habits then you will suffer badly. Look if you are somebody who doesn’t commit fully to what you have said or even if you are someone who commits to things and doesn’t carry through fully it is very likely that you will be living a miserable life where you never get what you want.

What you need to understand is that you need to be carry through with your actions and also your words 10/10 times as nothing less will be good enough if you want people to take you seriously, if you want the universe to respond to you seriously to what you want to achieve, then if you really want to make your life what you ultimately want it to be and make yourself who you ultimately want to become. As I am sure that don’t want to be that half-arsed person who never made there dreams real, I am sure that you don’t want have a personality that people can’t trust. You don’t want to be the person that no one can rely on or depend upon you as you want to be the guy/girl who can really take responsibility for your actions and make sh*t happen. That will never be the case if you do not carry through with your commitments in life as you will have to learn that you need to be carrying through on each individual action and that you can not step out unless it is completely against your intuition your inner gut feeling, unless it is completely against where you ultimately want to go.

Become committed to everything that you do in your own life to become successful being able to go all in with there commitments as that it is really the only time that you will benefit fully. You also need to realise is that only time that you will get the most out of it and also to be able to take yourself to the next level with your life and what you are doing you need to be committing to your word. As you will find that if you do not commit to the goals that you want to achieve, if you back out of your passion, if you give up on what will change your life for the better, if you make any excuses as to way you shouldn’t be giving your all. Then if you do not use this to its full use then you will not be able to take yourself to the next level. Finding that you will be stuck where you are right now and you will never be able to get what you ultimately want in your life. Get this through your mind straight away right this moment understand that if you are not committed to your agreements to your own personal promises you will find that if you do not carry through on those things you are going to become someone who looses in life. Not only because people do not trust you but because you are not trusting yourself.

Finding a Way: When There Is No Way

Finding a Way When There is NO Way!

There are certain individuals certain people that seem to find there way even when it seems completely impossible there are certain people that no matter what happens to them they find a way through it and they find a way to come out of it even stronger than before. Even if the world around them is challenging or pushing and giving them negative feedback pushing them down to the ground and pushing them away from  dreams they find a way to come back even stronger.

People that face given situations and come back stronger is not by chance it is not by circumstance it is not by talent but it is by determination and this is about having a very powerful character trade that you need to be developing immediately. If you where someone who can find a way even when it seems like there is no way you are powerful beyond your own imagination. No matter what happens to you no matter what people do you continue to fight you continue to move and find a way around the bulls**t you really are something special. Now I don’t say that to make you feel good I say this because it is true somebody that can find a way even when it seems like there is no way is the type of person that will really succeed in life. It is the type of person that can get what they want no matter what happens and you will find that this is the type of person that will help others pushing other people forward aswell as themselves. If you are committed to finding a way even when it seems like there is no way then you will be able to become successful. 

Looking at the people that you admire often within them there are people that certainly found a way even it when it seemed to them that there was no way of getting what they wanted feeling like it was impossible. This is definitely a trade that should be cherished and build upon every single day because most people see circumstances obstacles as excuses to give up while the people that find a way when there is no way are the people that will see opportunity even when it looks like to everyone else that there is no none. The reason for this is powerful because you can create something out of nothing, you can create greatness out of misery and difficulty and challenge, you know times when it seems like amount impossible even to survive you can actually begin to thrive. That is absolutely pure gold because if you do that you can get through any challenge any difficulty any circumstance or obstacle that is coming your way you can push aside easily and keep going. 

So it is very essential that you committee to finding a way even when it seems like there is none. It is about getting creative it is about opening your eyes it is about shifting your frequency in your mind that you are operating out in order to be able to see opportunities that never seems to exist before. If you look at certain successful people for the most part it is not that the circumstances changed it is not that the economy got better or that the conditions improved it is that they improved. It is so important that you apply that to yourself and to your own life to really get what you want and to become who you really want to be. Put all of the responsibility on yourself and find a way even when it seems like there is no way. 

Be Grounded (Motivational Talk: Full Presence and Executing)

Be Grounded!

If you are wavering up in the clouds with your thoughts and ideas right now the best thing that you could possibly do for yourself is to get back down to the ground and start to be making it your reality instead. Everyone can imagine everyone can create ideas and think about the wonderfulness that we can be if they made it come to life but very few people can come down and execute.

The people that can ground themselves to be able to execute are the people that will win at life as those people have great big ideas but the difference is that they can bring it down get grounded and start executing on it. You need to understand that it is not enough to just have a dream and vision but you will find that what is enough is that you take that vision, take those dreams and you start actually making them your reality. Become grounded because there is massive personal power in it, it you can ground yourself really be able to ground your energy you can come from a more solid place and you can operate much more powerfully. When you are grounded everything you say has much more meaning then everything that you do is coming from the heart, the soul and the gut you will find that it is very important that you are not up in the clouds thinking about random ideas or even visions about how the world could be a wonderful place or how your life could be amazing if you only has or that and the other but instead you are actually putting in the time to become the person that you need to be in order to be able to get those things instead.
My advice for you is to end all fascination with fantasying and being up creating all of these visions and painting this picture all the letters that are necessary when you have done that once it is time to go start acting on it. It is essential to take control of your character making sure that you are grounded otherwise you will come off as someone who is not really serious and you will come off as someone who is just talking and has there head in the clouds. However if you bring a grounded energy to the table it really adds massive value because a few people can really get down to business and do what it takes to be able to stay focused on the current moment with full presents but this is exactly what you need to succeed as you have been ignoring it so far as you have been wavering back and forward it is also something that can lead to a lot of dabbling once you get grounded once you get solidified on your ideas and you start to move on them there is nothing that can stop you.
So you need to stop the variety of options and instead to pick one that is very purposeful for your success and start moving on it instead of dabbling like most people. When your full energy is being used becoming fully present in every moment, everything that you do every time that you speak every time that you breathe make sure that it is grounded instead of walking around aimlessly. Walking around with your head in the clouds you instead walk around with yourself grounded, walk around feeling your personal power that way you can execute a lot better.

Changing Your Life: Create A Transformation

Transform Your LIFE!

Make that change in your life; make it happen in your very own life. Do you actually want to change? Are you going to make it real?

Put your whole heart into everything that you say, stand out from the rest and really committee to the words, the actions that you will be taking. Do great and accomplish the goals, adapt the energy of a “Winner” that goes out and makes it happen, who doesn’t talk. You need to start to walk your walk, create the transformation in your life. Take yourself seriously!

Do you think that someone who is successful goes into what he/she wants to do with second thoughts, or even a “Plan B” that is not the option of someone who is going to achieve the very best. You have the right to be powerful, to in control of your own life! You make the decisions in your life.