1 YEAR of DAILY Videos and 1000 Subscribers!

One Year of Daily Videos:

1000 Subscribers!

So today marks one year of daily videos! When Rafael Eliassen set out to create daily content he had no idea that he could actually make it happen. Rafael will emit than even when it was hard for him. Where some days it could become really difficult that others where it would become challenging but you need to remind yourself that you can still manage to pull through to make it happen. You need to understand to that you can to the same with your own personal goals.

Throughout this process Rafael has experienced the most amazing time where he has been able to work with awesome people and the amount of clients that Rafael has had is more than he can count and the amount of people that he has personally helped is beyond him. Its really amazing to be able to reach this spot but really it is only the beginning. Rafael wants to thank each and everyone of you because Rafael has just hit 1000 subscribers as well and he couldn’t ask for a better one year gift.

The grind the hustle and the struggle all ways pays off and it has just been the most amazing journey, if you go check out Rafael’s first video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N2tolc3co4 that Rafael has ever made you will be very surprised with where Rafael is today and it really is incredible for Rafael to look at his own transformation and look back be thinking wow I really did make it happen. Rafael couldn’t be more grateful and he is so happy about that fact that he has reached this point but what is even more important is what is there to come ahead so after one year of creating daily videos Rafael is moving into slightly fewer but he is upper the quality of the videos upping up Rafael’s personal game and he is also going to make sure that he is producing the highest amount of value that he possibly can. He wants to give all of you something that can really benefit you on your day-to-day life and your long term goals. So like Rafael all ready has what he will be creating from here is the best that Rafael possibly can and Rafael hopes that you stick along watch along and follow Rafael’s journey and continue to move forward with yourself. I also hope that if you are benefiting from these videos that you get in touch with Rafael personally and the link: https://www.facebook.com/xRamzz

1 Year of DAILY Videos and 1000 Subscribers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_JVPBZ9ObA

Daily Routines: How They Can Change Your Life!

Daily Routines: How They Can Change Your Life!

If you can align yourself to your goals your purpose your vision and also your lives dreams on a daily basis it will help to entirely shift the direction of your life where you are going. If you can manage to do something on a daily basis that helps to move you closer towards your goals no matter what the circumstances are that would be absolutely incredible for your success and also absolutely incredible if you can make it happen. 

But you need to understand that the key word is daily you doing something every day to get your there one step at a time getting closer to your goal because if you are not heading towards your goal the chances are that you need to be stepping up your game. That means that you need to have at least one thing that you put action into every single day no matter what happens that takes you closer to your goals. As you will find that it goes hand-in-hand with the philosophy of getting one step closer every single day no matter what. Then step-by-step you will be able to make your dream your vision and your passion to actually come to life but it does require daily action in one form or the other. Maybe it is not something that might be public or something that everything one else can see but you have to move towards your goals every single day no excuses. 

I would personally advice that you immediately if you haven’t already find something that you can put action into every single day that will help to move you one step closer. As it is so value for your success because it create all the difference in the world not only because you are doing something that can become closer but because you are constantly realigning yourself to your goals and also your purpose and vision. Which then means that your mind will constantly be on what is important to you as you are taking control of your life, you are taking charge and you are placing yourself and your mind where it needs to be instead of getting caught by the wind. So even if the day doesn’t go to plan or even if you don’t get anything done you know that you have at least one thing that you are doing no matter what. Doing so is very vital because your confidence and momentum will go to a whole different level if you can make that happen as you will find what will happen is that no matter what goes down you will keep staying focused on your goal and you will keep moving in the direction towards it. That doesn’t mean that you will be in the perfect mood or that everything will become perfect around you but in-fact you will find that plenty of times it will become difficult and challenging but if you do have a daily routine where something everyday that you do that takes you closer creating an immense amount of difference as it will help to clear your head space and it will help to show you that this is really what matters the most to you because you are doing it no matter what comes your way will mean a lot. 

Whereas doing something no matter what is going on around you no matter what the circumstances are you need to be really showing yourself demonstrating to yourself how committed you are about something. By doing so it really shows you that you are truly all in and also shows your brain that: “Hey, This is What’s up. This is What’s Important And we Are Going to Focus on it no Matter What is Going on The Outside” Then obviously you will gain the inside aligned get your mind aligned get your actions aligned so that everything that is on the outside will start to represent that and all of a sudden your results to begin to jump towards another level.

Change Your Life – Motivational Video (2015)

Change Your Life – Motivational Video (2015)

Six months ago did not have my own business, Eight months ago I was washing floors for a living, A year ago I was heavily over weight. But it takes courage to change because you have to let go of the old you and not many people are willing to do that. Not many people are willing to sacrifice there comfort right now for success in the future. People work hard on the wrong things at the wrong things people work hard in front of there desk in there office and they don’t work hard on themselves. If you want to build something that is worth while you have to work on you, don’t go around seeking validation from others you need to do what you need to do whether people like it or not. Forget about they think this is about you. Your life is about you, your life isn’t about everyone else your life is about you and you have to help yourself before you can help the world. Now most people don’t believe that such drastic changes can be made over such a short period of time but the fact is it is possible. But if you want to make a happen you have stop looking for the nearest exit, you have to stop looking for the magic pill you have to get to work on it. Don’t waste your life pleasing others if you want to make a change you have to do it yourself. If you where looking for validation here it is, take your validation your approved go out there and make it happen. But the act is you don’t need anybody to tell you that you are doing the right thing because you know it and it is not about a thought or a rationalisation of why it is ok to do it you know it in your gut you can feel it and if thats it then you have to go for it. The odds are most likely not in your favour but if you start working on it now you can make the chance of winning much higher. Where most people see an end to the road you have to see an opportunity to go further and build more. If you can only change your mind you can change your life if you can only change the way that you look at things the things that you are looking at will change for you. Stop seeing the obstacles as something that ends the road of success it is something to make you step up even further and give even more.

The Power of NO: Why You Should Say “No!” To Most Things

Say “NO!” To Most Things!

If you wish to be a higher performing individual who wishes to become someone who is making it happen on a daily basis who is focused and really making there passion come to life your vision come to life and becoming who they want to be. To become who you want to be you have to learn the ability to say “No!” and you have to be able to say “No!” to most things.

Saying “No!” to most things might sound a little strange at first but the thing is that you will find that you don’t say “No!” to most things it means that you are saying “Yes!” to most things and going along with other peoples frames a lot. It is so vital and it is also very important that you have your own agenda clear and that you are acting on your own intentions and not getting dragged away from your purpose or goals by other people. As you will find that if you just go along with things you will be dragged in all different directions and you will be blown in the wind like a leaf. Then you absolutely don’t want that situation because you are giving out your power to other people and you are going with the flow and what happens is that you don’t get your ultimate goal your ultimate vision to really come to life.

Being focused on your goals is so very very essential because if you don’t do it you will risk massive failure risk loosing what you unlimitedly want. So I need you to be taking control right now and start to be saying “No!” to most things. Now there will be people in situations where you should be saying “Yes!” to and that you should be able to see it clearly and with use of your situation where you will be able to see much easier. You will then be able to see the things that you want to see what you need to do in order to be able to move yourself forward and of cause you will always simply say “No!”. That is what it is all about you knowing that shouldn’t being saying “Yes!” to most things as you know that most people are consistently dragging you away from your passion by pulling your attention onto stuff that you don’t need your attention but you go along with it anyway because you don’t have a strong enough frame. You have to chance your frame of mind today because if you want this to change if you want this then you need to push yourself to be creating better results you have to be able to decline everything that doesn’t help you to move forward towards your goals. 

So you need to realise when anyone is asking you to do something or when anyone want something from you then you need to be able to decide if it is going to in favour of you moving forward and getting closer to your goals rather than taking you away from them. Then decision is is neutral as most of the time you need to be able to just say “No!” however if the person means a lot to you then the situation is important then maybe you do want to go along but again it is about taking back your own power here it is about taking back charge of your life and making sure that you are really in control of your own agenda your own intentions and also that you are moving towards your goals consistently. When you are moving towards your goals you need to make sure that you are not getting dragged off and if you can change this right now you will begin to see that you can create some crazy amount of success that you can create if you just learn to say “No!” to most people to most offers to most things that come into your life push them aside and make sure that you are staying focused on your goal and keep moving towards them and only say “Yes!” to the things that are going to help you to move even closer.

Changing Your Life: Create A Transformation

Transform Your LIFE!

Make that change in your life; make it happen in your very own life. Do you actually want to change? Are you going to make it real?

Put your whole heart into everything that you say, stand out from the rest and really committee to the words, the actions that you will be taking. Do great and accomplish the goals, adapt the energy of a “Winner” that goes out and makes it happen, who doesn’t talk. You need to start to walk your walk, create the transformation in your life. Take yourself seriously!

Do you think that someone who is successful goes into what he/she wants to do with second thoughts, or even a “Plan B” that is not the option of someone who is going to achieve the very best. You have the right to be powerful, to in control of your own life! You make the decisions in your life.


Extreme Productivity: Killing Procrastination


Achieving your goals a hell lot faster, we all know that feels great. If you struggle with putting aside what is important, you need to do what is necessary to help you to get closer to your goal every day, making it happen.

Struggling with that you don’t start to do what you need to do before, it is your responsibility to get to where you want to be in life. Done with it all, when you have the goal you will think “Why didn’t I do this before” do the right things and you will get the results that you want.

The key the success (Pointers to remember):

  • To be focused towards your vision
  • To be productive towards making it happen
  • Always be doing what is required of you to get what you want to achieve

If you don’t do this you will always be stuck in a life that you don’t like, with your expression stuck inside. You will most likely find yourself in some place where you never really pushing yourself to be finding your purpose, if you don’t discover it you won’t ever know. Have to be told that you need to become productive; you need to become that person that becomes extremely productive.

“Taking you to the place where you want to be”
