Daily Motivation #13: 15 Mins Per Month That Will Change Your Life!

Daily Motivation #13: 15 Mins Per Month That Will Change Your Life!

Today we talk about the massive importance of setting monthly goals. 15 Mins that will forever that will change your life, it defiantly did mine when I started setting my monthly goals I had no idea what would really happen. Also I didn’t really think that any of this would come true or that anything that I wrote on a piece of paper really mattered. However it really does, it really does in fact when I started putting real numbers in front of myself and I started looking at it as: “This is What I Got to Accomplish This Month” no matter what happens I got to get this done. It was a complete game changer for me. Now I didn’t nail everything done perfectly that first time and even now I make mess-ups and I don’t always perfectly execute everything however I do get very very close and sometimes go above and beyond. 

What is great is that when you start to really put the vision in front of you and really manifest in a way where it is like this is number, this is what I want and then you start to move towards it and you see the number getting there it is such of an amazing feeling. Now what I am talking about here is setting goals in terms of in any area of your life where you have some numbers that are involved whether that be finance, relationships. Whether that be any area of your life and career, any number that you can think of really you can set a goal with. If you want to read a certain amount of books in your personal develop, whether you want to listen to a certain amount of tapes or you want to go to certain amount of seminars or events. Or you want to do a certain amount of speeches or you want to do some videos, whatever you want to do it doesn’t really matter what it is what really matters is that you start getting some numbers in front of you that say: “Hey Buddy, Here’s What You Are Doing This Month. Here’s What You Are Getting Done And You Are Not Going to Get Away With Anything Less” This is a complete and entirely game changer it takes 15mins per month to sit down and write out your goals for the month. I am not saying be realistic or don’t be realistic you decide yourself what you want to put on a piece of paper but what is really important and the key here is to hang it up in front of you wherever you are working the most, whatever spot you are in the most that is the place where you should be placing this piece of paper of yours to hang. This monthly goals, these amazing goals and your timeframe is there, everything is there everything is right in front of you and when you have it that way you start to move towards it automatically. Whether you like it or not it starts to get engraved into your head and you start thinking: “Ok, I Got to do Something Towards This” because when you look at that you feel bad, look really what I am saying to you is that you need to have a plan, you need to have some kind of idea roughly estimation of where you are going because if you are just going to set sail and hope for the best well then you are going to end up down the stream just like everybody else. So let go of that and instead get into a place, a spot where you are planning out your month at least roughly.

Weekly planning is great, and daily planning is great but for me monthly planning is the greatest because monthly planning gives me enough time and enough space, enough room to breathe as well as a “Long-termish” vision that says: “Ok, Here is What is Got to be Done” and then I write out the steps, I think about what I am going to do on a daily basis are more tailored towards that. Now the week can be structured towards that as well however you like to do it but this is a great place to start. 


Daily Motivation #7: Enjoy Life!

Daily Motivation #7: Enjoy Life!

Today we talk about enjoying life! Something that I believe to be extremely underestimated in the life, in the world, in peoples’ minds is simply the idea of enjoying every single day to the fullest.

Something that most people don’t really do is experience the current moment, the present moment, whatever is happening right now to it’s maximum potential. They never really take in fully what is around them, instead they are always looking around the corner for the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing and I have mentioned this so many times, but I want to tell you today that this is something that is absolutely crucial and essential to really be able to make the most out of your experience.

Look you are going to live, you are going to live, you are going to live your life go through the experiences, go through the experiences, go through the emotions, you are going to go through some pain, some hardship, you are going to go through probably some success if you push yourself, if you work hard you are probably going to get a lot of good things as well, but at the end of the end of the day all that is very very up to the way that you perceive it, up to the way that you look at it and you can make it failure into something good or you can make a success into something bad. You know, a lot of people that have reached extreme heights financially actually become miserable because what was making them happy was that journey, the chasing and keeping that spark alive and always trying to expand.

At the end of the day what really matters is how much did you enjoy this right now because as far as you know you only get one, as far as you know you might not get another one therefore why not live it to its maximum potential? Why not make the very most of it? I do believe that after this we will be ok and you will be ok, and you don’t need to worry about that so don’t live life in fear of death because it is not going to help you either that is going to maximize your experience.

What you instead do is have blind faith and trust in that everything will be ok and it will work out, and instead make the very most out of it, instead put all of you into it, instead pour your heart and soul into everything moment in every interaction, into every action that you take, into everything that you watch and read, into everything that you say and speak, into everything that you do put your heart and soul into it because why not? Why not? Why not? What is the point of living and not really living? What is the point of getting up and going through these zombified motions and emotions of the stale everyday routine that you hate. Going to a job or a place where you don’t want to be then not even enjoying it? What’s the point? That is most of your day that is most of your time gone to nothing if you are not going to enjoy it don’t do it.


Why You Must Be Honest With Yourself!

Why You Must Be Honest With Yourself!

This is why you need to be honest with yourself if you want to have positive uplifting and creating increasingly powerful results in your life is extremely important and you have to be absolutely 100% honest with yourself. That goes for every situation that you face in your life also that goes for every circumstances. That also goes for what ever happens in your life you need to ensure you are consistently 100% honest with yourself because you must and need to be completely honest with yourself. As you will find that what happens is that most people bullsh*t themselves out of being completely honest and they tell themselves lies and excuses.

If you really want extraordinary results you need to be extraordinary honest to yourself, you need to have extraordinary levels of truth aimed towards yourself because if you don’t tell yourself the truth it is very easy to sneak out of the results that you want, it is very easy to sneak out of it and avoid being committed to the things and said that you would do you need to be completely honest with yourself. When you mess up, it needs to be clear in your mind “I Messed Up!” that needs to have a negative correlation, that needs to have a negative association in your head so that you don’t repeat that behaviour and in opposite to that you need to be completely honest with yourself when you do good things too because a lot of people when they do good things when they make progress, when they take a step forward they don’t rewards themselves enough in a way where they say “I Did Good. I Did Really Good” because a lot of the time especially in the beginning phases of any project, of any thing that you want to accomplish it is easy to get discouraged it is very easy to fall off, it is very easy to say “It is Not Significant” it is important that even there, especially there actually you are 100% honest if you did something good say that you did something good for yourself tell yourself that your self talk needs to remain positive as Rafael has talked about previously.

It is very important that when you do good things that you take the right actions and also that you tell yourself: “That This is The Right Step” “Your Taking a Step Forward” “Your Making Progress. This is Great” on the other hand if you are not just be honest with yourself and say “This is Not so Good. We Need to Shift it Right Now” then doing so and because you are honest with yourself you know that you will take the right action and also you know that you will continuesly take the right action. Consistently taking the right action and consistently stay honest to yourself to yourself because it is one of the most important thing if that if you can’t trust yourself nobody else can either.


Is It Time For You To Raise Your Standards?

Is It Time For You To Raise Your Standards?

Is it time for you to raise your standards? If you want some new results, if you want some new amazing things from life it is very simple. If you want to achieve some new amazing things in any area of field. It is very simple all that you really need to do is to raise your standards because us human-beings are simple creatures we tend to perform to the degree in a level in which we expect ourselves to sometimes a little bit lower and sometimes a little bit higher but most of the time we settle somewhere just around that range of which we expect from ourselves.

What we tend to do very naturally is set ourselves lower expectations than the potential that we ultimately have and in fact a lot lower because your potential is never ending and you are capable of so many things that you can never imagine and then the problem becomes that we set those expectations way too low so if you want some new amazing results. Very simply raise your standard for yourself a lot that doesn’t mean that you should be expecting much more from other people around you or the environment around you but from yourself because that is really where it all comes from if you want to achieve some new things, if you want to go to the next level, if you want to achieve better results it is all upto you. It is comes down to: “What Do You Expect From You?” because you will find that to raise your standards for yourself it is very heavily determined by your self-perception, your belief about yourself as it ultimately leads you to what you have right now is a result of the way that you have believed about yourself, your perception of yourself, your vision of the world around you. The way that you receive everything and then the expectations that you have set for yourself often as a result of what other people expect from you and that is why you have what you have

If you have already taken control and you have said that you are going to take charge of your life, you are going to take charge of the direction of your life and the course of your life and you are going to steer your own expectations, and you are going to heighten them then that is absolutely amazing that is actuality what you need to do.


Moving NOW and Making Your Ideas Come To Life Instantly

Moving NOW and Making Your Ideas Come To Life Instantly

Today I want to talk about moving now and making your ideas come to life instantly because most of us when we have a spark, when we have a thought, when we have an idea, when we have something come to us we tend to begin to procrastinate immediately. We tend to start putting it off straight away, a lot of people put it on there to-do list, a lot of people put it on there calender, a lot of people don’t put it anywhere as a lot of people just blatantly forget, don’t even write down and move with it. The very best thing that you can do for yourself and your idea your thoughts your amazing epiphany, your big realisation.

Whatever thought that you had is to actually move on it right away it is to not wait, it is not to go into research land, it is to not go into a place and space where you are getting distracted where you start thinking about what all the outcomes might be, predicting the future. All of these things are completely and entirely most of the time useless because they are not worthy, they are not helpful and most of the time they don’t help you get any closer to your goal, they don’t make the idea get better usually they don’t help you to improve in getting better or add value as these things simply an advanced way to procrastinate.

An advanced way to not do what you need to do because you will find if you have a spark, if you have an idea, if you have something come to you in your intuition, your gut or your thoughts something comes to you and it is clear if you have an idea that you think is amazing and you start putting it off, you start waiting with it you are literally killing the idea, you are killing the thought not only by not putting it into action straight away because it is not coming to life but also because the way that you feel about it will change and when you procrastinate on it or wait on something the way that you feel about it changes very quickly.

You might think a week is nothing, or a day is nothing but actually it is in fact Rafael has noticed himself that if he has a great idea and if he doesn’t move on it that instant moment a lot of the time in a week, two weeks it won’t be as bright it won’t be powerful and it won’t be as clear because it is in that moment, the spontaneous spark that comes up that is the one that we want to make use of that is the one that we want to move with. That is the type of energy that we want to be pushing forward not some planned scheduled well thought out, that is not the point the point is to move and I am telling you this because if you do move on your ideas, if you do move on your thoughts you become the type of person who takes action.


The Subtle (And Amazing) Things In Life That You Don’t Notice

The Subtle (And Amazing) Things In Life That You Don’t Notice

I want to talk about the subtle things in life that you don’t notice but are possibly the most valuable. So look the thing is that most people go through there life completely numbing themselves from the present moment, numbing themselves from the world around them and never really taking in what is going on around them and never really taking in and fully experiencing the world that surrounds them.

Look the thing is there is a beautiful world right here, there is a beautiful world wherever you are it might not be as clean of air, it might not be the best surroundings but regardless there is beauty in there one way or the other. Now that might sound fluffy to some of you but the truth is if you can’t enjoy breathing in the air you are missing out because it is one of those subtle things in life that you should be able to enjoy. One of those subtle things in life that holds massive value the truth is a lot of things make you feel eternally fulfilled the things that really make you fee great about yourself and other people, the world and every that you are doing those are the little things. Those really are the little things that most people don’t pay attention to.


Embracing Rather Than Resisting: Agreeing With Life

Embracing Rather Than Resisting: Agreeing With Life

Let’s talk about embracing rather than resisting and agreeing with life. One thing that is extremely important on your journey through life is that you embrace what happens because if you don’t embrace what happens you will have a very hard time surviving, you will have an extremely tough time striving.

You will not be able to achieve what you want and if you do you will have so much resistance and through that progress that you will almost be worth it. In fact if you reach and accomplish your goals against this resistance if you fight it, if all the way throughout your journey you are resisting it and not embracing it not making the most out of it I don’t really think that the goal is worthwhile. An amazingly important part of the journey is embracing challenges, it is embracing the difficulty, it is actually going through the hardship and almost in a weird way enjoying it. As you will find if you don’t enjoy it what is the point are you just going to live for that one year of happiness and fulfilment? Then for the rest of your life just suffer and suffer for that. Of cause you have to come to terms with and embrace the progress because you have to embrace the challenges, you have to embrace everything you have to have an agreement with life.

Instead of fighting life and disagreeing, try to agree because when you do agree what you will notice is that life is a lot more receptive to you and it will welcome you  more. Now that might sound weird to you to some of you but it is actually true the more that you let go of your resistance the more that you will see other people will agree with you the more you will see that life just goes your way.


If You Ask You Shall Receive

If You Ask You Shall Receive

This is why if you ask you shall receive, many people go through there entire life without even sitting down and writing out there goals. it is very easy to become unintentional about the things that you want, about your dreams, about your purpose and about your visions, about your goals and the things that you imagine, the things that you want it is easy to kind of dismiss them and not really make much of a fuss.

But indeed you do need to make quite a fuss, you need to make it a big deal in your life whatever it is that you are passionate about, whatever it is that you want to accomplish in your life it needs to become a really really big deal. It needs to be something that you ask for constantly because the golden law is if you want you shall receive and of cause that comes with asking intelligently. So what I would like you to really understand is that if you only hope wish and pray for things it is really better come to you. But if you ask through action, through making the moves, throuhg really really believing in it and moving towards it, it is way more likely that you will get what you want.

 So the art of asking is actually all about being international, being on purpose, being on point when you are asking so then when you receive you will receive what you want instead of something random. The reason most people receive something random that they didn’t ask for and a life that they didn’t really try to design or really become international about is because they didn’t ask probably. In fact most people mess up the asking part as they don’t have a list of there goals, they don’t write them out everyday, they don’t consistently focus on or put there attention in there mind consciously on the things, the goals, the vision and the dreams that they have. Instead it just becomes this kind of loose daydream that kind of then hovers in-and-out of your mind every once in a while.

Life Is About The Journey, Not The Destination

Life Is About The Journey, Not The Destination

Let’s talk about how life is about the journey not the destination a lot of people mention this quote, a lot of people say something along those lines and a lot of people really mean it. But then again a lot of people really just don’t get it because the way that most people think is that if I can only have all of this and all of that I will be happy, if only I could reach my goals and accomplish everything that I want and have all of this money and all this fame and all the perfect relationships and everything that I have ever wanted well then I would be super super happy, and of cause that is not true because there are people that have attained that there are people that have reached that there are people that have been massively successful in those terms and ended up miserable, and sometimes they don’t just stop at being miserable they go even further and further and further and further until it ends so we come to the phrases that life is about is about the journey and not the destination which simply means that you should take pleasure in progress over the obtainments that you should value your higher purpose your internal furfillment more the external factors and the external validation. So yes, life is about the journey not the destination but how do you apply this? Well as you are watching this video you are probably working from one out of two modes first one could be that you are watching this as a way to distract yourself a way to get your attention of what is really going on in your life and you want to watch Rafael talk to you about all this amazing stuff and you want to kind of get lost in and just kind of loose yourself in it. Whereas the other mode might be that you are watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDcz2gV-ABg to grow and to apply it what you are doing to go even further and to reach new hieghts. Now I really really hope that you are the second one of those two because if you are in the first mode you are pretty much just destracting yourself and you are trying to find happiness in other things, however you are already internally furfilled. If you are already feeling good about yourself you are moving towards what you are supposed to be doing then you will have a completely different interpretation of everything that Rafael is saying everything that is said to you and the way that you proceed life is entirely different.
Now through Rafael’s journey he has shifted from the first mode to the second one and he can tell you that it is not easy and I am sure if some of you have been through the same thing you would know that it is a tough shift to make but the only way to really do it is to let go of all the external validation and to really start feeling furfilled from within, to really start taking pleasure in the progress and the step by step rather than the end that doesn’t mean that you can not celebrate winning that doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy about reaching your goals of cause you should. But it is simply means that you need to find your true happiness and furfillment in the journey and the progress and the fact of the matter is that if you can do that your life will become a lot easier. Problems and things that have stopped you things that have blocked you things that have gotten in your way will move out very very quickly as you make the shift to become someone who really is all about the journey someone who really takes internal furfillment from it. You should always progress you should always move forward and expand but the internal furfillment needs to come a long with you because otherwise you are only trying to make ends meat you are only trying to make yourself feel good temporarily with some kind of solution. Your trying to look for that magic pill that is going to make you happy forever and make everything perfect and it is never going to happen so what you should do is make this shift to the other mindset. The other state of mind where you truly love each step of the process, now love is a strong word you might not enjoy it every piece of the process however you can get internal furfillment from it because you know that you are doing the right thing you know that you are on the right track you know that you are moving in the right direction and that is what is most important of all. In a way that is the secret and that is why life is about the journey and not the destination it is about constantly creating and progressing it is about constantly expanding growing and moving further because if you reach some height and you stop and you think that you have made it well it is very likely that you will go down hill and become miserable so always expand and always furfill always take pleasure in progress because that is truly what matters the very most put your attention on that and take it off the external factors and you will see the shift because what happens is actually quite amazing and it can change your life forever.

Control Your Life – Motivational Video 2015

Control Your Life

If you don’t take control of your life, life will control you. There is always going to be something that comes up, life it comes up for everyone. But it is not about that it is about what you do with it, it’s about how you respond to it. Now that can make you wonder what could you achieve if only you gave it absolutely every last drop of energy within you? What could you accomplish with if you applied all of you, committed, dedicated stubborn to the bone in that you won’t give up on it no matter what happens.

You become obsessed to such an extreme that you breath and eat for it, that every part of your life is a reflection of that one thing that you know means more than anything else to you. Most people call that extreme, successful people call that doing what it takes to become successful because everyday something happens. In this world someone is effected, a victim of life. If you become a victim of life you are helpless but then if you take control of your life you become powerful beyond measure. As far as you know you have been given this one chance to do what you have to do to let what ever gifts talents abilities of what has been given to you develop and express itself fully.

Making excuses is not part of the equation but can you ask yourself the question do you want comfort? or do you want massive rapid growth in success? Now remember this is the key if you are going to take control of your life you can not remain the same person that was victimised by. You can not remain as your weak-self and do extraordinary things. You can not reach your potential if you are someone that has nothing going, no strength or determination or will-power to go through what ever it takes to get what you want. That weak human being can not reach your ultimate goals and visions.

The fact of the matter is you are shaping your own destiny in this very moment. Now what did you do today to get yourself one step closer to that goal? What ever life brought up how did you handle it? How did you deal with it? If you didn’t then look at how you can do it better next time because you can not let it keep stopping you, keep locking you and ruin your success ruining your future.
