High-Level Performance: How To Trigger It In Yourself

High Level of Performance: How to Trigger it in Yourself!

If you want to operate and perform on an incredibly high level, if you want to be highly successful with what ever it is that you are pouring your heart soul and time into you have to take some simple steps to make sure that you really are operating on a high level as you will find that you have to false yourself into a state of certainty and a state of conviction and also to a state of confidence where you are sure about yourself and where you are going. 

You have to be able to push your mind to really be able to operate on that level that is required of you in order to be successful with what ever you are doing. Look your brain will get distracted your mind will take you to places that you personally don’t need to be going where it will be bringing up all kinds of memories all kinds of emotions all kinds of feelings will be coming up throughout the day and your job is to really be able to push all of that aside and stay focused on the narrow path to your goal. As you will find that getting to where you want to be is about operating on a high level and you have to be constance of your decisions, also become aware throughout the day because you have to be present fully with all of your energy in order to really create the best results possible. 

Need to realise that creating the best results possible is not going to happen if you are going around with this half-arsed energy about you where you are not really trying or where you are pretending that you are trying just to put on a show for people or to try prove something to someone because that is not worth anything to anyone especially not to you. What you have to do is to really grab yourself by the neck and say “Hey, How is it That I Need to Perform in Order For me to be Internally Fulfilled And Happy? Making Real Progress Towards my Goals” 

Stop settling for this half-arsed mode of operation where you are going throughout the day and kind of doing things kind of working on yourself kind of working at your job or what ever you are passionate your purpose is because you will find that “Kind of Doing it!” is not good enough. You will also find that “Kind of Doing it!” will not cut it so you have to really take that and turn it around because you can not walk around half-assing things. 

High level of operation requires your brain to be functioning, you have to be eating the right things your nutrition has to be on point. Your work out your physic has to be strong and you have to be able to feel good about yourself. Your physiology has to support it. 

Everything about you has to align to a higher purpose to a higher vision to your passion and all of you has to support that. At the same time you have to become fully aware of what you are doing, you have to become fully present and really emirs yourself into what you are doing to really be giving all of you. That is what a high level of operation is all about as it is about giving all of you, it is about really pushing all of your personal boundaries on the goals that you can get accomplished and it is also about being very efficient. So there is absolutely no reason for you to be wasting your time trying to do something when you feel like sh*t. You will find that if you can raise your energy levels, if you can raise your awareness your certainty your confidence you will be able to do that task a lot more efficiently and it will be a lot more enjoyable. The emotions and the state that you are in when you put in the work when you put in the energy really shines through in the final product no matter what that is. 

Be Grounded (Motivational Talk: Full Presence and Executing)

Be Grounded!

If you are wavering up in the clouds with your thoughts and ideas right now the best thing that you could possibly do for yourself is to get back down to the ground and start to be making it your reality instead. Everyone can imagine everyone can create ideas and think about the wonderfulness that we can be if they made it come to life but very few people can come down and execute.

The people that can ground themselves to be able to execute are the people that will win at life as those people have great big ideas but the difference is that they can bring it down get grounded and start executing on it. You need to understand that it is not enough to just have a dream and vision but you will find that what is enough is that you take that vision, take those dreams and you start actually making them your reality. Become grounded because there is massive personal power in it, it you can ground yourself really be able to ground your energy you can come from a more solid place and you can operate much more powerfully. When you are grounded everything you say has much more meaning then everything that you do is coming from the heart, the soul and the gut you will find that it is very important that you are not up in the clouds thinking about random ideas or even visions about how the world could be a wonderful place or how your life could be amazing if you only has or that and the other but instead you are actually putting in the time to become the person that you need to be in order to be able to get those things instead.
My advice for you is to end all fascination with fantasying and being up creating all of these visions and painting this picture all the letters that are necessary when you have done that once it is time to go start acting on it. It is essential to take control of your character making sure that you are grounded otherwise you will come off as someone who is not really serious and you will come off as someone who is just talking and has there head in the clouds. However if you bring a grounded energy to the table it really adds massive value because a few people can really get down to business and do what it takes to be able to stay focused on the current moment with full presents but this is exactly what you need to succeed as you have been ignoring it so far as you have been wavering back and forward it is also something that can lead to a lot of dabbling once you get grounded once you get solidified on your ideas and you start to move on them there is nothing that can stop you.
So you need to stop the variety of options and instead to pick one that is very purposeful for your success and start moving on it instead of dabbling like most people. When your full energy is being used becoming fully present in every moment, everything that you do every time that you speak every time that you breathe make sure that it is grounded instead of walking around aimlessly. Walking around with your head in the clouds you instead walk around with yourself grounded, walk around feeling your personal power that way you can execute a lot better.

Express Yourself FULLY: No More Holding Back!

Express Yourself FULLY!

We live in a world where most of us hold our inner voices back; we live in a world where it is almost frown upon to be living your dreams and passion.

To click into your massive potential you have to be going at your passion with a “Full Hearted” approach, and a FULL self-expression. Meaning that you need to are simply expressing your inner voice, your inner truth. Fully living your life with the congruence of what you believe is the path that you want to take, living your life the way that you want it to be. What you believe to be the BEST of you, what you want for life what you are the most passionate about. You need to start to make the steps to live that life.

If you don’t you will feel “Self- Suffocated”, and “Depressed” as you would be depriving yourself of what you really want to be doing with your life. It is not by chance that you are giving these traits and this personality to go and chase these things that you really desire. There is a reason for it, everyone has a huge potential.

You have got something incredible to bring to the table, and I am not saying that to be “Nice” I am saying it because it is true. Everyone has something special, whether you believe it or not. You need to make it your personal responsibly to be bringing out that gift and sharing out to the world. That comes through self-expression! Start to hold your value above anything else, if you are in a situation that you are not happy about then you need to take the responsibly and say “I am not happy about this”. As most of the people that are in situations that they are not happy in, they are walking around and pretending like it is “OK!”

Full self-express is taking full actions that are congruent with your thoughts and your values.  Your ideals, what you want to achieve in life and also what you want out of life. You need to be responsible for your own life; you will not be able to self-express yourself probably. Will be depriving yourself of your potential in life, if you want to be making a difference and create something that is “OUT STANDING”. That is going to CRUSH anything that has been done before, that doesn’t mean that you need to put everyone down so that you can be up. Just that you stand out, you need to be able to express yourself fully and to be putting in the work to be expressing yourself fully. Start to live your life align with your values your purpose, and your passion. What makes glow and light up, what makes you want to get out of bed every day?  What is it that you love the most and then start to express yourself through that?


Changing Your Life: Create A Transformation

Transform Your LIFE!

Make that change in your life; make it happen in your very own life. Do you actually want to change? Are you going to make it real?

Put your whole heart into everything that you say, stand out from the rest and really committee to the words, the actions that you will be taking. Do great and accomplish the goals, adapt the energy of a “Winner” that goes out and makes it happen, who doesn’t talk. You need to start to walk your walk, create the transformation in your life. Take yourself seriously!

Do you think that someone who is successful goes into what he/she wants to do with second thoughts, or even a “Plan B” that is not the option of someone who is going to achieve the very best. You have the right to be powerful, to in control of your own life! You make the decisions in your life.
