Letting Go of The Old: In Order To Make Room For The New!

Letting Go Of The Old!

Letting go of the old to let in the new is in fact is hard for some people as it gets them out of there comfortable environment and because of this we become complacent and we start to hold to what the old in an effort to protect ourselves instead of expanding and pushing further to achieve more. But what you have to realise with change comes new results so in order to obtain those results you have to let go of your old ones. Sometimes you have to sacrifice what you have right now such as your current comfort in order to expand and to get your next targets and goals that you want to achieve.

 So when you are pushing yourself to be letting go of the old you will find that it is not enough to just sit there trying to hang onto the old habits and also the circumstances that are in right now. Instead you should be trying to go for that new things that are going to help you to grow as a person as you will find out that you have to completely let go of what you are currently hanging onto in order to gain the new. Not only because that is required of you in order to get the new results but also because it is limiting your mind from expanding and also stopping you from taking the next level of action. Sometimes you will have to make the jump the leap of faith to gain what you really want to achieve, sometimes you have to take yourself to next level of growth, sometimes you have to entirely shift what you are doing all together in order to really create some amazing results.
Creating results that might even go over to different areas of your life and depending on where you are at right now you have to push yourself in order to gain next big shift in your personal growth. You may not always know what the next big move is for as you have to figure it out for yourself it is not going to be presented to you on a “Silver Platte” as you have to earn it. As you have to understand your own intrusion of where you want to be heading and also have following your gut as that is most likely where you have probably had  a strong feeling about what you need to do in order to move to the next step in your life. But  you need to understand that the biggest problem with this is that you will feel fearful about what comes next. You will find with this that the biggest problem that you gain from being scared is that stops you from continue it causing you to be pause yourself from achieving the best that you can. But the worst is that most of the time it will freak you out so much that you decide that you no longer need to do this. So you will find that fear is part of the old you, fear is part of that old pattern that you used to live and it is also part of what you have to let go of sacrificing that in order to get that new and amazing results that you know you can create.
Putting your attention on sacrificing the feeling of fear will really help you to create the new habits that will help you achieve the next level in your life. As you will find that really need to be letting go of the old in order to be able to gain the new that you need to move forward. You have to be willing to sacrifice your comfort right now because you have to be willing to  step into fear facing it, you have to be willing to really expand yourself and push yourself beyond your very own limits. That can become very difficult and frustrating if you find that you are someone who likes to stick to the old not allowing yourself the option to gain the new, if you are someone who likes to stay in comfort rather than getting uncomfortable to grow, then you will find that are someone who wants who just wants to hang onto comfort and fears uncomfort. If you are that person that you will find that it will become very hard or you to hold onto the old.
But regardless it is necessary for your growth to face uncomfort as it is critical and vital for your personal growth. You will find that you can’t go without it and there is no way around it because you have to be able to let go of your comfort right now in order to gain more success in the future. What ever it is that you are hanging onto so tightly the universe might be giving you a sign that you need to let it go. It might be a good sign for you to take yourself to the next level and instead of trying to persevere you need to expand because you will find that getting caught in persevering things and keeping it by holding onto things is limit you and make you weak. Whereas if you expand and you let go of the old it will allow you to create room for new amazing things to come in. Expanding and taking yourself to the next level is so much more powerful and you will be able to create so much more amazing results.

Growing Massively: Through Rapid Action!

Growing Massively: Through Rapid Action!

Progressing massively through rapid action is what is going to help you the most to get to where you want to be in life but the fact is that this is where most individuals fail when it comes to there dreams and also there passion. As it is more than common to find people will give up on there dreams because they didn’t take the actions that where required of them in order to produce the results that they wanted. You have to understand that the only way that you will get to where you want to be in life to get what you want out of life is through taking massive and rapid action consistently.

You need to understand that things have to move quickly, things have to move firmly and things have to move massively in order for you to actually get what you want out of life. A lot of the time you will find that people underestimate the amount of effort energy and dedication that is required of them in order to achieve there goals. I want you to raise your standard by a lot, I want you to raise your standard not only by 10x but possibly even 100x to what it currently is at this moment if you actually want to start achieving what you want out of life. Remember your current results are a reflection of the behaviour and the effort the energy and also the dedication that you are putting into currently. So what ever you have right now was earn truthfully honestly and fully by you.

Massive growth happens through rapid action that means that you have to be moving quickly that means that you have to say: “I am Going to Start Making Some Changes Right Now, This Moment, Today I am Going to Implement Something NEW in Order to Really Take Myself And What I am Doing to The Next Level”
If you are doing something insignificant already you know then that if you lean back relax chill out take some time off. If you continue to do so you will find that when you do this things will begin to go south, thing will begin go downhill where you don’t want them to be, things will begin to go where you don’t really want them to end up ultimately. What you have to train yourself to do is to take massive and rapid action at all times throughout your life throughout the course of your career to really sees those amazing results in order to really capture the best that you could possibly be get.
Rapid action means constantly moving towards your goals no matter whats in front of you, no matter what other people are saying about your goals, no matter what your competition is doing you are moving and you are moving really fast. No matter what is going on in your life you moving really affinity you are constantly on the move, you are constantly creating, innovating, moving forward and really pushing yourself to the max. While the others might be taking a break or taking a unnecessary vacation you are moving and you keep moving, you don’t allow yourself to get complacent even when you are at the very top, even if you are crushing it you continue to take rapid action, you continue to take massive action, you continue to move quickly and efficiently because you know that is what it takes in order for you to really dominate your area of field and really become the best at what you do.

Addictions: Getting Rid of Your Old & Weak Self!


Getting Rid of Your Old & Weaker Self!

 Look the truth is that we all have something that like to pull us back to to our old and weaker selves. If you have been through a journey of improvement and consistent bettering of yourself it is very likely that there is something way back that is still pulling you and the fact is that you have to get rid of that completely in order to really take your success to the next level. There is no other way around it, if you keep going back to your old habits you will not be able to become the best that you can be, you will not be able to achieve all that you potentially could and if you are settling for going back and falling back into your bad old habits it is very likely that you won’t be successful.

So you have to realise that you are making a decision no matter what you are making a decision whether you think you are just going with the urges you are still making a decision for the weaker side of things and realise that you really have to concur these old habits these additions you have to get completely rid of them in order to really take yourself and what you are doing to the next level. Often times it is a lost chain that we get rid of it is the lost chain that might be holding you back right now from really taking what you do to the next level. Really realise that when you do any of these old bad habits so when you let yourself slip back you are not making any progress and you are not getting anything good out of it. It might temporally bring you good emotions but most of the time there very quickly turn into negative emotions because you know that you are messing yourself up. So regardless of what you have been through or where you have come from you, you need to understand that these things are not supposed to support you in the current moment and you have to let go of them completely in order to really become free. In order to have the freedom and success that you desire you have to first let go of the old and weak you. If you are trying to bring your old and weaker self to new opportunities that are on a whole different level you will not be able to make the most out of them then most likely you will completely fail and it is simply miserable if you would let your old and weak self come in a ruin your current amazing grow and progression you can not let that happen to you. If you focus enough on what you are doing and what matters to you these issues these problems this past old and weaker you will stop bothering you. Now it takes time it takes energy and most people are not willing to do that because they would rather give in to the current urge instead of doing the hard work that it takes that is required in order to completely get rid of it  and even though it serves you in the long term you know that it might be harder to do it right now because the urge is so strong but you have to just stick to it you can go with what you know that it is right to not give up no matter what. Let go of your old self let go of the weak you because it is not going to help you and it is not going move your forward also it is definitely not going to help you to get you to where you want to be.

Be Responsible (Motivational Talk: Taking Responsibility of Your Life)

Be Responsible!

One of the things that really that really messes with peoples lives usually more than anything else is the lack of taking responsibility of there own condition. People like to blame everything outside of themselves people like to point fingers, people like to make up excuses and never really allow themselves to take responsibility for the circumstances and the situations that they are in. When as a matter of fact in all truth what ever position that you have put yourself in is because of you no body else is responsible as it is totally and completely because of you. 

It is a hard thing to go through as this is what you really need to do to take some responsibility and say that it is me that is doing it, It is me that is creating this, it’s me that has made this happen, it’s me. Taking the easy option is to always put the blame outside of ourselves to say that it is other people that are responsible and that you had nothing to do with it or that you can’t do anything about it. But see the thing is the moment that you say that it is someone else thats making this happen to you the moment that you say that anyone out side out yourself is responsible you are giving your power away. If you can really become responsible for yourself your own personal condition and also your own circumstances saying that you are going to take full responsibility you will gain your power back. If it is someone else that is doing it to you or if it is the circumstances that are holding back then you can’t do anything about it and you are just completely stuck in case that means you are completely useless and you can’t really make a real impact in your own life. Now think about that for a second which option would you rather have to. Do you want to have some control in your life? and if you do yes it is harder to say “I am Responsible” as it is harder to really take that in and really confront that but it is so totally completely 100% or even 50% worth it as it is clear that it will be completely worth it. It is about 5 seconds 10 seconds or maybe even a couple of minutes, 10 minutes of pain at most and then you realise that it is completely upto you to change things. That is really big realisation that most people will go through as they get into personal development to really get to be in control of there lives and the moment that you take that type of level of control you really do change the game for yourself  because you give yourself the ability to control your own life to impact and effect circumstances for the people around you really making your life also yourself into what you want it to be.Taking responsibility also raises the level of frequency that your brain operates on. It also raises the frequency in your own communication when you talk to people don’t really point out the frequency that your brain operates on raises the frequency of your communication and when you talk to people you don’t really point outside of yourself as a source of something that is causing you pain because you will realise that it is up to you to change anything that you don’t like. 

The Ultimate You: Becoming Your Ideal Self!

Become Your Ideal Self!

Everyone has a version of themselves that they want to be in fact everyone has an ultimate version of themselves that they want to become, that ideal self that they are chasing after hoping that one day that they can become that person. Your ideal version of yourself is usually perfect in every way possible and seeing that there is no flaws that your ideal self could make. You understand and know deep down that no matter what you do you will always have flaws and will also have issue however it is wealthy to have a ideal self in order to improve and in order to grow.

Creating an ideal self that is perfect in every single way is not necessarily realistic but it is very encouraging and motivating when you look at yourself and see that you want to become that person. Seeing the power that you potentially could have when you really put everything that you have to creating your ideal self. If you haven’t already it is very key for your personal growth that you look at yourself and you see what you could ultimately become when you really put everything that you have to obtaining it because you will find that there is the gap between your potential and who you are right now. Being able to see that and not pushing it to the side is going to help you to begin the journey to start getting closer to your ideal self very quickly. 

Developing a strong ideal version of yourself as absolutely key and it is very important to start to act like you where that person already because if you do then you will be able to start to have those things that the person you want to be has. It may sound a little strange at first but when you start to act as if you where that person already you will find that what happens is you start to be getting those things that person has as you take on the characteristics, to be taking on the personal power that your ideal self has, the personal responsibility and also the personal achievement aswell and you will notice that it will start to put you in the right mindset of that ideal self and you will begin to start performing better in your own life. Taking on take on the characteristics of the person that you want to become you will begin to see that it works wonders for your growth as you will see the change of the person that you are right now then taking on the characteristics of your ideal self creating the person you want to be in a shorter amount of time, when you start to get there and pay attention to will begin to see the results come very instantly if you really apply it straight away. 

As you go along this journey will begin to see that it is about seeing yourself in the future as the person that you want to be with the things that you want to have then taking that vision and making into the current moment. Perhaps you might not have all the things that you want right now but if you begin then you can obtain them much faster. They will be there faster than you could have ever imagined, then you have to make sure that you are turning them thoughts into reality transforming your life and achieving the ideal version of yourself that ideal you want to be, that ideal life that you want to achieve. You have to stop trying to reach for it you have to stop trying to chase instead you have to be attracting it into your own life by taking on the right behaviours and that is what this is all about. Take on the patterns of the habits of the successful you to be able to achieve speaking patterns of your ideal taking on everything that you can from that ideal version of yourself. Put it to use right now and watch the change start to happen.

Why People Get ‘Lucky’: Getting Favoured By Fortune

Turn Luck Your Way!

So luck is a word that thrown around a whole lot when things go your way or someone gets fortunate. It is often that people say this as something to brush off your success and move it to the side as if it is not really important what you did but that the circumstances have given you the success that you have gotten. The fact of the matter is that luck favors those who take action in life. So if you feel like at some point that you had gotten really lucky or fortunate it might be due to the hard work and effort dedication that you have put into it previously.

If you look at top level athletics, musicians or artists of any kind anyone that is doing anything on a high level business anything, you will see that they are all they all get told that you got so lucky or you are so lucky what you have today. You are so lucky! When really what it comes down to is the hard work dedication and hustling every single day but most people just like to brush all of that all that off as luck. The reason why people brush success as luck is that they say it this way because they don’t want to feel bad about themselves not taking any action not moving forward and not having the things that you have so excusing it is as “luck” is just there way of simply saying that you know you just got fortunate you didn’t really desire what you have. Of cause the word is used sometimes as in to wish you some good fortune that things go your way it is a whole different scenario but right now I am talking about when people are telling you that you got lucky doing something that you perform your heart into your art form at a really high level.

People tell you that have got lucky and I am telling you now that if you got “LUCKY” is that you worked for it, you worked hard for it unless of cause it some kind of scenario where you have won something. Winning the lottery is something similar to that as it is more up to chance than luck. Luck is when things go your way; luck is when fortune favors you and if you want that to happen you have to earn it. If you take on the disbelief that you take on this mindset things will actually very quickly start to go your way. Implement it heavily in your life to see some great results great success with the day to day activities. Smiling more like the world is just kind of working out for you so that instead of always hitting resistance and bearers obstacles but instead things will start to go around going your way and luck is just something that is favoring you. So if you want some luck then earn it that is the way go don’t really let it up to chance as that is a whole another world that is another scenario. But if you want to get fortunate if you want things to go your way earn it as that is the only way that you will get it. Stop brushing other people’s success off as LUCK. That is not true they are not lucky as if anyone that is doing great and anyone who is at the top is all hard work and dedication. It is not luck maybe people got there by chance by somehow just magically overnight boom success at that point most people will not take care of what they have. So if you are getting lucky fortune is smiling at you appreciate it because you have worked hard for it.
