Daily Routines: How They Can Change Your Life!

Daily Routines: How They Can Change Your Life!

If you can align yourself to your goals your purpose your vision and also your lives dreams on a daily basis it will help to entirely shift the direction of your life where you are going. If you can manage to do something on a daily basis that helps to move you closer towards your goals no matter what the circumstances are that would be absolutely incredible for your success and also absolutely incredible if you can make it happen. 

But you need to understand that the key word is daily you doing something every day to get your there one step at a time getting closer to your goal because if you are not heading towards your goal the chances are that you need to be stepping up your game. That means that you need to have at least one thing that you put action into every single day no matter what happens that takes you closer to your goals. As you will find that it goes hand-in-hand with the philosophy of getting one step closer every single day no matter what. Then step-by-step you will be able to make your dream your vision and your passion to actually come to life but it does require daily action in one form or the other. Maybe it is not something that might be public or something that everything one else can see but you have to move towards your goals every single day no excuses. 

I would personally advice that you immediately if you haven’t already find something that you can put action into every single day that will help to move you one step closer. As it is so value for your success because it create all the difference in the world not only because you are doing something that can become closer but because you are constantly realigning yourself to your goals and also your purpose and vision. Which then means that your mind will constantly be on what is important to you as you are taking control of your life, you are taking charge and you are placing yourself and your mind where it needs to be instead of getting caught by the wind. So even if the day doesn’t go to plan or even if you don’t get anything done you know that you have at least one thing that you are doing no matter what. Doing so is very vital because your confidence and momentum will go to a whole different level if you can make that happen as you will find what will happen is that no matter what goes down you will keep staying focused on your goal and you will keep moving in the direction towards it. That doesn’t mean that you will be in the perfect mood or that everything will become perfect around you but in-fact you will find that plenty of times it will become difficult and challenging but if you do have a daily routine where something everyday that you do that takes you closer creating an immense amount of difference as it will help to clear your head space and it will help to show you that this is really what matters the most to you because you are doing it no matter what comes your way will mean a lot. 

Whereas doing something no matter what is going on around you no matter what the circumstances are you need to be really showing yourself demonstrating to yourself how committed you are about something. By doing so it really shows you that you are truly all in and also shows your brain that: “Hey, This is What’s up. This is What’s Important And we Are Going to Focus on it no Matter What is Going on The Outside” Then obviously you will gain the inside aligned get your mind aligned get your actions aligned so that everything that is on the outside will start to represent that and all of a sudden your results to begin to jump towards another level.

Be Responsible (Motivational Talk: Taking Responsibility of Your Life)

Be Responsible!

One of the things that really that really messes with peoples lives usually more than anything else is the lack of taking responsibility of there own condition. People like to blame everything outside of themselves people like to point fingers, people like to make up excuses and never really allow themselves to take responsibility for the circumstances and the situations that they are in. When as a matter of fact in all truth what ever position that you have put yourself in is because of you no body else is responsible as it is totally and completely because of you. 

It is a hard thing to go through as this is what you really need to do to take some responsibility and say that it is me that is doing it, It is me that is creating this, it’s me that has made this happen, it’s me. Taking the easy option is to always put the blame outside of ourselves to say that it is other people that are responsible and that you had nothing to do with it or that you can’t do anything about it. But see the thing is the moment that you say that it is someone else thats making this happen to you the moment that you say that anyone out side out yourself is responsible you are giving your power away. If you can really become responsible for yourself your own personal condition and also your own circumstances saying that you are going to take full responsibility you will gain your power back. If it is someone else that is doing it to you or if it is the circumstances that are holding back then you can’t do anything about it and you are just completely stuck in case that means you are completely useless and you can’t really make a real impact in your own life. Now think about that for a second which option would you rather have to. Do you want to have some control in your life? and if you do yes it is harder to say “I am Responsible” as it is harder to really take that in and really confront that but it is so totally completely 100% or even 50% worth it as it is clear that it will be completely worth it. It is about 5 seconds 10 seconds or maybe even a couple of minutes, 10 minutes of pain at most and then you realise that it is completely upto you to change things. That is really big realisation that most people will go through as they get into personal development to really get to be in control of there lives and the moment that you take that type of level of control you really do change the game for yourself  because you give yourself the ability to control your own life to impact and effect circumstances for the people around you really making your life also yourself into what you want it to be.Taking responsibility also raises the level of frequency that your brain operates on. It also raises the frequency in your own communication when you talk to people don’t really point out the frequency that your brain operates on raises the frequency of your communication and when you talk to people you don’t really point outside of yourself as a source of something that is causing you pain because you will realise that it is up to you to change anything that you don’t like. 

Be The Change (Motivational Talk: Create What You Want)

Be The Change!

One thing that people often like to do is to complain about circumstances complaining about people and complaining about opportunities and the lack of opportunities that are given to them. Often at times people are very happy to complain about everybody else and not really look internal for a solution.  

Most people are problem or issue oriented instead of results and solutions oriented. It is so important that you can make that switch into becoming a human being who actually is the change that they want to see. If there is something that you don’t like if there is something that you don’t appreciate if there is something that is bothering you instead of complaining and moaning about it actually take a perspective where you can see the solution and solve the problem. Most people will brush it off and say “Oh well it is not up to me but I cant really make a difference so it is not my problem” but if you are talking about it complaining about you should be the one that is creating the change. Another thing for you to remember is that the world is sort of like a mirror for us so if you are seeing a lot of negative things it probably means that your perspective is a little bit twisted and the way that you are feeling about yourself is a little messed up so you are seeing all of the bad things in the world instead of the good things. On the other hand if you are someone who really knows yourself very well very firm on your boundaries and beliefs and values that you are very happy in your own life when you look at the world you will often see opportunities to create and make it better. So it is all about who you are as a human being that is often that the world will reflect.

If you don’t like it change it, but you still have chance to change the external factor try to start with yourself because that is ultimately where all of the change is coming from, from with in so if you begin to create from within yourself bringing it out really expressing it really creating a difference with it you really have absolutely amazing power. If you are in charge of yourself and if you are in control of yourself. If you are making the changes in your own life that you want to be seeing then you can ultimately effect the world a lot more aswell. The more that you grow your personal power the more that you grow your influences the more that you can actually do the more that you can effect people and the more that you can help the world changing those things that you are not so happy about. The main shift comes from seeing problems seeing issues from seeing ways to sort out the issues to seeing solutions to seeing how you can be creating a lot of amazing results if you can make that shift then you make that shift right now then your life will change dramatically very quickly. Instead of sitting around complaining about things moaning about things and discussing things try actually expressing yourself in the form of getting come results.

Finding a Way: When There Is No Way

Finding a Way When There is NO Way!

There are certain individuals certain people that seem to find there way even when it seems completely impossible there are certain people that no matter what happens to them they find a way through it and they find a way to come out of it even stronger than before. Even if the world around them is challenging or pushing and giving them negative feedback pushing them down to the ground and pushing them away from  dreams they find a way to come back even stronger.

People that face given situations and come back stronger is not by chance it is not by circumstance it is not by talent but it is by determination and this is about having a very powerful character trade that you need to be developing immediately. If you where someone who can find a way even when it seems like there is no way you are powerful beyond your own imagination. No matter what happens to you no matter what people do you continue to fight you continue to move and find a way around the bulls**t you really are something special. Now I don’t say that to make you feel good I say this because it is true somebody that can find a way even when it seems like there is no way is the type of person that will really succeed in life. It is the type of person that can get what they want no matter what happens and you will find that this is the type of person that will help others pushing other people forward aswell as themselves. If you are committed to finding a way even when it seems like there is no way then you will be able to become successful. 

Looking at the people that you admire often within them there are people that certainly found a way even it when it seemed to them that there was no way of getting what they wanted feeling like it was impossible. This is definitely a trade that should be cherished and build upon every single day because most people see circumstances obstacles as excuses to give up while the people that find a way when there is no way are the people that will see opportunity even when it looks like to everyone else that there is no none. The reason for this is powerful because you can create something out of nothing, you can create greatness out of misery and difficulty and challenge, you know times when it seems like amount impossible even to survive you can actually begin to thrive. That is absolutely pure gold because if you do that you can get through any challenge any difficulty any circumstance or obstacle that is coming your way you can push aside easily and keep going. 

So it is very essential that you committee to finding a way even when it seems like there is none. It is about getting creative it is about opening your eyes it is about shifting your frequency in your mind that you are operating out in order to be able to see opportunities that never seems to exist before. If you look at certain successful people for the most part it is not that the circumstances changed it is not that the economy got better or that the conditions improved it is that they improved. It is so important that you apply that to yourself and to your own life to really get what you want and to become who you really want to be. Put all of the responsibility on yourself and find a way even when it seems like there is no way. 

Taking Control: Of The Things That You CAN Control!

The Things You Can Control!

So there are plenty of things, plenty of circumstances that we as human beings can not control at least to a very high degree this goes for the weather, this goes for the people around you, this goes for the economy all sorts of things that we can not take control of. We may be able to impact our environment but we can not control every situation every circumstance making it exactly want we want. So what we have to learn to do instead is to actually take control of the things that we can take control of and for the most part this is ourselves.

Most people don’t realise that by blaming the circumstances that they are actually giving away there personal power. The crazy thing is that when you take personal responsibility a lot of these external factors will begin to change aswell. But it starts with you be the change you want to see in the world, right? So what you have to is to actually become committed to change yourself taking control of yourself and so the circumstances will begin to shift once you start. Focus on the things that you can control focus on the outcomes that you can control and most of that is actually the effort and the energy that you are putting in and also the personal responsibility that you are taking.  

Let say you had a position as a sales man your job is to sell your product, sell it, sell it, sell it. But you need to realise that you can not control the person on the other side who is purchasing you can not make the decision for them if they say yes or no. So what you have to focus on is your effort your energy what you are doing, you maybe have to make this amount of calls to get this amount of sales and you can not control the numbers on the other end. But you can put in the effort that is required of you to get the outcome that you want. 

If you want to be a high level athletic you would not be blaming that everyone else is better than you and be blaming that everyone else has had more time to train what you would do instead is to actually train even more. But in a sense this is very easy to point out to other people and say “Yes I totally agree with this that makes total sense” but what is difficult is to actually be applying it to your own life that is what I would love you to do. So in whatever you are doing stop blaming the circumstances stop blaming the people around you stop blaming the weather the president the economy all of these things are irrelevant if you just do what you need to do.

Doing what you need to do and letting go of everything else that is not relevant as this is key to be taking control of the things that can take control of and you will find for the most part that is yourself. Once you do that you can change absolutely anything but it starts with you and it is so essential that you that. Don’t allow your mind to run wild with excuses blame and pushing it aside putting it on other people you know pushing the weight off your shoulder over to someone else saying that it is there fault that persons fault and stating that someone is holding you back stopping you from accomplishing what you want. 

It is not possible for someone else to be holding you back from achieving everything that you want to accomplish because no one can stop you from doing what it takes to get to where you want to be. It is just amount that you put in to take control of putting your frame down firmly and saying this is what I am going to get and I am never going to settle for anything less than that. 

Why People Get ‘Lucky’: Getting Favoured By Fortune

Turn Luck Your Way!

So luck is a word that thrown around a whole lot when things go your way or someone gets fortunate. It is often that people say this as something to brush off your success and move it to the side as if it is not really important what you did but that the circumstances have given you the success that you have gotten. The fact of the matter is that luck favors those who take action in life. So if you feel like at some point that you had gotten really lucky or fortunate it might be due to the hard work and effort dedication that you have put into it previously.

If you look at top level athletics, musicians or artists of any kind anyone that is doing anything on a high level business anything, you will see that they are all they all get told that you got so lucky or you are so lucky what you have today. You are so lucky! When really what it comes down to is the hard work dedication and hustling every single day but most people just like to brush all of that all that off as luck. The reason why people brush success as luck is that they say it this way because they don’t want to feel bad about themselves not taking any action not moving forward and not having the things that you have so excusing it is as “luck” is just there way of simply saying that you know you just got fortunate you didn’t really desire what you have. Of cause the word is used sometimes as in to wish you some good fortune that things go your way it is a whole different scenario but right now I am talking about when people are telling you that you got lucky doing something that you perform your heart into your art form at a really high level.

People tell you that have got lucky and I am telling you now that if you got “LUCKY” is that you worked for it, you worked hard for it unless of cause it some kind of scenario where you have won something. Winning the lottery is something similar to that as it is more up to chance than luck. Luck is when things go your way; luck is when fortune favors you and if you want that to happen you have to earn it. If you take on the disbelief that you take on this mindset things will actually very quickly start to go your way. Implement it heavily in your life to see some great results great success with the day to day activities. Smiling more like the world is just kind of working out for you so that instead of always hitting resistance and bearers obstacles but instead things will start to go around going your way and luck is just something that is favoring you. So if you want some luck then earn it that is the way go don’t really let it up to chance as that is a whole another world that is another scenario. But if you want to get fortunate if you want things to go your way earn it as that is the only way that you will get it. Stop brushing other people’s success off as LUCK. That is not true they are not lucky as if anyone that is doing great and anyone who is at the top is all hard work and dedication. It is not luck maybe people got there by chance by somehow just magically overnight boom success at that point most people will not take care of what they have. So if you are getting lucky fortune is smiling at you appreciate it because you have worked hard for it.


Be Flexible Motivational Talk: Deal With Anything

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Be Flexible

So there are going to be times where things do not go your way, there are going to be times where all the circumstances all the people everything that could go wrong will go wrong. You have to be prepared for when things go wrong.

You need to get prepared for those times when everything you could think of goes wrong, as them times will come up maybe when you least expect it to happen. All of a sudden everything turns around becomes really difficult and challenging on you. Now if you are not prepared it can really come around and whoop you round because you will not be expecting it most of the time then all of sudden things start to go and you’re just not ready for it. Trust me when I say that if you are not ready if you do not able to become flexible you will not be able to hold onto the pressure or handle the difficult situations and the difficult circumstances you will very quickly snap and break. So you have to be able to deal with whatever situation may come up in your life around you, whatever happens you have to be ready. You have to be ready for anything that you can trust yourself knowing that you will find a way to figure it out no matter how challenging that it will become. No matter how difficult that it may get, the pressure is piling on you. No matter how much things may go wrong, No matter who might leave you no matter who turns on you and says that you are no good or whatever. Whatever happens you need to be prepared mentally as well as physically you have to be prepared to be able to handle any given situation. As you are the one who is responsible for your very own life. This is something that you have to have very clear in your mind as you are the only person who is responsible for your condition.

Need to keep in mind that you are the one who is responsible for your very condition so if things go wrong you need to be able to grab that in your own hands and take responsibly for it. So if you were not prepared for it you have to say that next time I need to be prepared for this. Do not fall into the mindset of a victim blaming in on everything else no matter what the circumstances are you should not blame then even if it seems really easy even if that is the easiest option for you. Saying that it is everyone else fault it is not my fault it is very easy to do but if you can go on step higher than everyone else saying that you are going to take responsibly for whatever happens in my life you really are ahead of the rest of the curve.

In the moment that you decide that you are responsible for everything that happens in your own life something will changes in your mind and in your world. What happens is that once you change something on the inside the outside begins to shift with it. It might seem crazy but it is true as it really does work. So if you can only begin to set your mind straight to becoming more flexible so that it will help you to be able to deal with whatever circumstances that might come up for you. If you can do this you really have taken one massive step in the right direction.
