Always Improving: Being Willing To Change

Always Improving: Being Willing To Change

Lets talk about always improving and being willing to change once you find something that works for you once you get comfortable once you get a little bit of that complacency creeping it is very easy to stop improving. It is very easy to hurt your own growth through thinking that you have made it or thinking that you are at a point where you no longer need to add more or keep going further to keep on growing more.

It is extremely easy to become resistent to change and it is very dangerous too because many people once they have reached a certain level or once they get results they are afraid to try new things and expand and expansion and growth constantly is always the key. You need to be willing to change you need to be willing to take the next step you need to make sure that you are not resisting because you could be hindering your own growth that way. Maybe you are holding onto your old-school ways and the old ways of doing things, myabe you don’t want to see things that are right in front of you and the progress that can be made ahead that in itself can put you in a negative spiral because you keep blocking yourself from your ultimate potential and if you continue to deny yourself change and if you continue to deny yourself of growth you will start to feel very bad about yourself.

Change The World – NEW Motivational Video 2015

Change The World – NEW Motivational Video 2015

But here is the first thing if you can not trust your own word there is absolutely nobody else that can either. If you want to change the world it starts with you.
You hear these things all the time, Right? I just haven’t caught my break yet, it’s not my time, I’m just waiting for the right opportunity to come a long. We call that excuse making, Big secret unveiled. It won’t get you anywhere, we call that making reasons and not progress because see if you commit to something fully, no more excuses. It’s not a option! It’s just not a option.
Understand that it’s about the human mind not anything else, it takes a while to rewire itself. When you are putting in those good new good habits when you are trying to get rid of that old bullsh*t to move your life forward it is going to be challenging, it is going to be lag time, it is going to be delayed. The results are not instant and that’s why most people give up but the fact is that it will happen if you just stick with it long enough, yes it takes time, it takes energy, it takes blood sweat and tears, What else what you expecting? What do you think this is?
Obstacles filter out losers, obstacles push away those people that don’t deserve to have what they have. If you want something bad enough you have got to keep your eyes on it continuously, you can not break, you can not look away, you can not fear failure or think about what happens if I don’t make it.
What do you want? Safely or Adventure? Massive Success or Medicare Misery? Choose, and choose wisely this is really important if you could just learn one thing today take this back with you. The world as you see it as you perceive it is a complete reflection of who you are within. When I say “The World is Your Mirror, Make it What You Want” I mean that from the bottom of my heart because if you don’t like what you see it might have something heavily to do with no living up to your own standards yet. It is common to blame others, it is common to blame circumstances, it is common to push blame to the side. Just cause it is common does not make it right, what makes it right is doing what it takes, if you know what it takes, if you know what it want and you have to make that happen. That is your responsibility. You know what you need to do, you know where you need to go, you know how you make it, you know how to make it happen. Then do it! See how far that takes you, try that on for size.

Daily Routines: How They Can Change Your Life!

Daily Routines: How They Can Change Your Life!

If you can align yourself to your goals your purpose your vision and also your lives dreams on a daily basis it will help to entirely shift the direction of your life where you are going. If you can manage to do something on a daily basis that helps to move you closer towards your goals no matter what the circumstances are that would be absolutely incredible for your success and also absolutely incredible if you can make it happen. 

But you need to understand that the key word is daily you doing something every day to get your there one step at a time getting closer to your goal because if you are not heading towards your goal the chances are that you need to be stepping up your game. That means that you need to have at least one thing that you put action into every single day no matter what happens that takes you closer to your goals. As you will find that it goes hand-in-hand with the philosophy of getting one step closer every single day no matter what. Then step-by-step you will be able to make your dream your vision and your passion to actually come to life but it does require daily action in one form or the other. Maybe it is not something that might be public or something that everything one else can see but you have to move towards your goals every single day no excuses. 

I would personally advice that you immediately if you haven’t already find something that you can put action into every single day that will help to move you one step closer. As it is so value for your success because it create all the difference in the world not only because you are doing something that can become closer but because you are constantly realigning yourself to your goals and also your purpose and vision. Which then means that your mind will constantly be on what is important to you as you are taking control of your life, you are taking charge and you are placing yourself and your mind where it needs to be instead of getting caught by the wind. So even if the day doesn’t go to plan or even if you don’t get anything done you know that you have at least one thing that you are doing no matter what. Doing so is very vital because your confidence and momentum will go to a whole different level if you can make that happen as you will find what will happen is that no matter what goes down you will keep staying focused on your goal and you will keep moving in the direction towards it. That doesn’t mean that you will be in the perfect mood or that everything will become perfect around you but in-fact you will find that plenty of times it will become difficult and challenging but if you do have a daily routine where something everyday that you do that takes you closer creating an immense amount of difference as it will help to clear your head space and it will help to show you that this is really what matters the most to you because you are doing it no matter what comes your way will mean a lot. 

Whereas doing something no matter what is going on around you no matter what the circumstances are you need to be really showing yourself demonstrating to yourself how committed you are about something. By doing so it really shows you that you are truly all in and also shows your brain that: “Hey, This is What’s up. This is What’s Important And we Are Going to Focus on it no Matter What is Going on The Outside” Then obviously you will gain the inside aligned get your mind aligned get your actions aligned so that everything that is on the outside will start to represent that and all of a sudden your results to begin to jump towards another level.

Forgive Them – Motivational Video 2015

Forgive Them!

Forgive them! Forgive those that have told you that you are not good enough for success. Forgive those that told you that there is no way you are going to be able to accomplish your dreams. Forgive those that have said that there is no way that you are going to make your dreams happen.

You have to be able to forgive them, look they don’t know what they are talking about when it comes to your dreams, Would you take financial advice from someone who is broke on the street? Would you take relationship advice from someone who is emotionally broken? Forgive them they don’t know what they are talking about. They have never allowed themselves to go for there dreams, passion and goals so when you are go for something that is out of the ordinary they become scared and push you to the point where they hold yourself back from your dreams and you can’t allow them to do that to you.

Look if you have something that you are going after a dream that is really going to change your life for you or if you are going after something that means the world to you. The way that things work is that people are wired is that you will find that they are going to come to you and say: “Hey, You’re Not Good Enough. You’re Not Strong Enough. You Can’t do it This is Not For You. This is Not Who You Really Are, Man You Have Changed so Much What’s Going on?” and I need for you to forgive them. You don’t want to allow peoples meaningless words to take you away from your dreams because if you really means everything that you say that it does to you, you will find a way no matter what.

You will find if you walk around hating and feeling negative emotions towards someone or something that who has done some kind of harm to you in the past that is going to hold you back from your ultimate potential. You don’t want to allow somebody who has maybe harmed you back when things where difficult when things where hard or maybe that is the current moment right now you don’t want that effecting you in the future. As that’s not good enough on the road to success. You want to be successful you need to see that you have to be putting in the time that is necessary to succeed the heights that you dream of.

That’s not good enough to let other peoples options to hold you back from your dreams as you need to take control of your emotions. You have to be able to take control of yourself, you have to forgive those who have done wrong in the past. As you will find if you constantly have your head in the past you will not be able to achieve those dreams you deserve as you will consistently have you head stuck in the past. You need to be looking into the future to be able to achieve the best that you could possibly imagine.

Don’t listen to those people as they don’t know what they are doing, Ok? If you know what you are going towards forget about what everyone else has said, forget about what they have told you and forget about all the circumstances that have come onto your path that are saying: “NO You Can’t Make it!” because you will find if you continue to listen to those negative little voices that you are not going to be able to get to where you ultimately want to be.

Everything that is saying that everything is against you that you came from the wrong background what ever it is you need to understand that you can do it. But you have to let go of all the pain that you have held onto that you are feeling right now. You have to let go of your own limits that are going to hold you back. As you are only as strong as your biggest weakness so take charge of yourself and don’t let anyone hold you back from becoming successful.

Letting Go of The Old: In Order To Make Room For The New!

Letting Go Of The Old!

Letting go of the old to let in the new is in fact is hard for some people as it gets them out of there comfortable environment and because of this we become complacent and we start to hold to what the old in an effort to protect ourselves instead of expanding and pushing further to achieve more. But what you have to realise with change comes new results so in order to obtain those results you have to let go of your old ones. Sometimes you have to sacrifice what you have right now such as your current comfort in order to expand and to get your next targets and goals that you want to achieve.

 So when you are pushing yourself to be letting go of the old you will find that it is not enough to just sit there trying to hang onto the old habits and also the circumstances that are in right now. Instead you should be trying to go for that new things that are going to help you to grow as a person as you will find out that you have to completely let go of what you are currently hanging onto in order to gain the new. Not only because that is required of you in order to get the new results but also because it is limiting your mind from expanding and also stopping you from taking the next level of action. Sometimes you will have to make the jump the leap of faith to gain what you really want to achieve, sometimes you have to take yourself to next level of growth, sometimes you have to entirely shift what you are doing all together in order to really create some amazing results.
Creating results that might even go over to different areas of your life and depending on where you are at right now you have to push yourself in order to gain next big shift in your personal growth. You may not always know what the next big move is for as you have to figure it out for yourself it is not going to be presented to you on a “Silver Platte” as you have to earn it. As you have to understand your own intrusion of where you want to be heading and also have following your gut as that is most likely where you have probably had  a strong feeling about what you need to do in order to move to the next step in your life. But  you need to understand that the biggest problem with this is that you will feel fearful about what comes next. You will find with this that the biggest problem that you gain from being scared is that stops you from continue it causing you to be pause yourself from achieving the best that you can. But the worst is that most of the time it will freak you out so much that you decide that you no longer need to do this. So you will find that fear is part of the old you, fear is part of that old pattern that you used to live and it is also part of what you have to let go of sacrificing that in order to get that new and amazing results that you know you can create.
Putting your attention on sacrificing the feeling of fear will really help you to create the new habits that will help you achieve the next level in your life. As you will find that really need to be letting go of the old in order to be able to gain the new that you need to move forward. You have to be willing to sacrifice your comfort right now because you have to be willing to  step into fear facing it, you have to be willing to really expand yourself and push yourself beyond your very own limits. That can become very difficult and frustrating if you find that you are someone who likes to stick to the old not allowing yourself the option to gain the new, if you are someone who likes to stay in comfort rather than getting uncomfortable to grow, then you will find that are someone who wants who just wants to hang onto comfort and fears uncomfort. If you are that person that you will find that it will become very hard or you to hold onto the old.
But regardless it is necessary for your growth to face uncomfort as it is critical and vital for your personal growth. You will find that you can’t go without it and there is no way around it because you have to be able to let go of your comfort right now in order to gain more success in the future. What ever it is that you are hanging onto so tightly the universe might be giving you a sign that you need to let it go. It might be a good sign for you to take yourself to the next level and instead of trying to persevere you need to expand because you will find that getting caught in persevering things and keeping it by holding onto things is limit you and make you weak. Whereas if you expand and you let go of the old it will allow you to create room for new amazing things to come in. Expanding and taking yourself to the next level is so much more powerful and you will be able to create so much more amazing results.

Changing Your Perception: To Change The Way You Behave

Changing Your Perception:

To Change The Way You Behave!

Many times because we have the wrong and twisted perception on what we are doing and what we have to do to get to where we want to be we don’t end up doing the right thing consistently enough to get there. It is common that because of the twisted perception on the tasks that we have to do in order to be successful in getting what we want because we view, we see things the wrong way we take it in a negative way and there for do not end up doing what we need to do to get to where you want to be.

Changing your perception if you want to change your behaviour it is absolutely crucial because the way that you see things often times it the main source behind why you aren’t doing what you need to do or why you are doing what you don’t need to do lets say that you where trying to loose some weight and you view sh***y food that makes you gain a lot of weight really fast as something thats ok once in a while and once in a while you define as once in a week or more often. In that case you will become every disappointed with your results when it comes to loosing weight. It started with the simple basic twisted belief and perception of saying that this behaviour is ok and it is totally alright because I am not doing so much of it when in fact you have to understand that you have to quit it completely in order to really become successful with your goal. The same can go for anything business relationships finance what ever it is that you focus on you have to make sure that you untwist your weak and limiting views. You have to make sure that you take the right reception because only then will you act properly and according to what you need in order to get what you want. So make sure that you do not confuse here, don’t say to yourself its ok to do it if you know that is not. In the same way make sure that you have a powerful view when it comes to doing the right thing so that you are encouraging yourself to actually do it. Again using a great example as a easy way to show case this take for example eating something really healthy and exercises regularly maybe as much as five times a week maybe even more than that if you see that as your minimum then it is going to be a lot more likely that you will get your goal than if you say yeah its ok as long as I do it every once in a while. So there is an absolutely huge gap between the people that do the right thing and see it the right way and the people that do the wrong thing that see it the wrong way. Obviously this is because of the behaviour that ends up happening due to the perception that was there in the first place. So if you want to take your results to another level in different areas in your own life you need to think about what it is that you want to improve and then take a close look at the perception the view that you have of doing the right thing and the view that you have of doing the wrong thing make sure that you view it correctly if they are in the right place so that you can be successful with what it is that you are trying to accomplish.

Change Your Life – Motivational Video (2015)

Change Your Life – Motivational Video (2015)

Six months ago did not have my own business, Eight months ago I was washing floors for a living, A year ago I was heavily over weight. But it takes courage to change because you have to let go of the old you and not many people are willing to do that. Not many people are willing to sacrifice there comfort right now for success in the future. People work hard on the wrong things at the wrong things people work hard in front of there desk in there office and they don’t work hard on themselves. If you want to build something that is worth while you have to work on you, don’t go around seeking validation from others you need to do what you need to do whether people like it or not. Forget about they think this is about you. Your life is about you, your life isn’t about everyone else your life is about you and you have to help yourself before you can help the world. Now most people don’t believe that such drastic changes can be made over such a short period of time but the fact is it is possible. But if you want to make a happen you have stop looking for the nearest exit, you have to stop looking for the magic pill you have to get to work on it. Don’t waste your life pleasing others if you want to make a change you have to do it yourself. If you where looking for validation here it is, take your validation your approved go out there and make it happen. But the act is you don’t need anybody to tell you that you are doing the right thing because you know it and it is not about a thought or a rationalisation of why it is ok to do it you know it in your gut you can feel it and if thats it then you have to go for it. The odds are most likely not in your favour but if you start working on it now you can make the chance of winning much higher. Where most people see an end to the road you have to see an opportunity to go further and build more. If you can only change your mind you can change your life if you can only change the way that you look at things the things that you are looking at will change for you. Stop seeing the obstacles as something that ends the road of success it is something to make you step up even further and give even more.

Decision Making: The Intuitive Way

Decision Making: The Intuitive Way!

A lot of people make there BIG life decisions in favour of safety and security, most people will take the easy option out most people will take the beaten down path and you should change that for yourself if you are going to be successful. If you are going to out chasing your passion making your life what you want it to be it is not going to be good enough settling for security settling for safety and not really going for what you ultimately want.

Need to understand that you have to start making decisions based on your intrusion and your gut feeling as you have to know what is right for you, you have to disregard your logical brain a lot of the time and really make decisions based on your gut feeling. Intuits visions are the way to go because they will never lead you wrong although they might lead you to some challenges and some difficulties it is all worth while because it will create you into a stronger person. Instead of you taking the easy and secure way out if you are making decisions based on your intrusion you are constantly going to be growing and you are constantly going to be moving towards what you ultimately want to achieve. You are acting in accordance to your inner voice and you are expressing yourself through making life into what you want it to be and there is nothing better than that. It brings a ultimate sense of happiness and fulfilment where you really make decisions based on your intrusion instead of based on what people have told you and based on social conditioning. What you often see is that the decisions that you are making based on your intrusion will lead into a more difficult more challenging a more uncomfortable option. However it also means that it is the option that will help to make you grow into pushing more. The option that will make you stand up and really show your full potential instead of listening to what everyone else has told you and instead of following down the beaten path. A very important aspect about it is that you are making decisions that are truly and honestly deer to you something that really makes sense to you something that really is the correct choice for you can’t always make it the “Right Decision” but you can make your decision right by going with what you ultimately want. So then no matter what happens you will continue to push you will continue to fight because this is worthwhile for you. Remember it is fully possible to fail at something that you absolutely disgust and don’t want anything to do with as it is absolutely possible to fail at something that you don’t like so you might as well be take your best shot and create a chance, make a chance on what you love to do. Maybe it is not as easy maybe it is not secure but every time that you make a decision you need to be looking within, deep within really checking out what it is that your inner voice is telling you do. Start making decisions based on your gut feelings based on your intrusion make an intuitive decisions and it will bring you a lot closer to your goals a lot faster and with a lot less pain or frustration as well. 

Making Sure You’re On Track: Pay Attention To Yourself!

Pay Attention to Yourself!

No matter what you do there will always be moments in your life where you catch yourself falling off track and falling off your purpose that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be that far from off track or even that far off your purpose but it does mean that you will be slightly getting lost at some point. No matter how hard you try if you live in the civilized world where there will be temptations and distractions all around you and it is very easy to fall for it. 

Success is often about being able to say NO! to all of the things that will take you off track but it is very important that the moment that you catch yourself falling off track or doing something that you don’t need to be doing that you change your behaviour immediately but before that you need to be able to become aware that you are making a mistake and that you are doing something that is not productive or helping you to move forward. Often that is really the hardest part because it is so hard to recognise our own behaviour if we don’t have a high enough of self-awareness so that is something that you need to develop and really work on as you have to become aware of the actions that you are taking and how it is effecting you. A lot of the time people will say yes I am on a diet or yes I am doing this type of workout routine and often when they say that most of the times they are not fully committed to it. They have “Cheat Days!” or they have days where they just fall off completely and just do everything opposite to what they have said that they would do even through that they know the actions that they are taking are not going to be helping them to move closer to there goals. The way to avoid this type of behaviour is to be able to raise your self-awareness being able to notice how it effects you and how it takes you into a down-ward spiral towards negativity and also towards results that you don’t want to be having. On the other hand you have to become extremely aware of the situations in the moments where you are successful where you are doing the right thing where you are getting the type of results that you want and you also have to make sure that you are rewarding yourself for it heavily and in the right way. You have to be telling yourself you have to tell your body to tell your mind that this is the right thing to do and also that you are doing well right now. 

You have to condition yourself for success because often times the way that have grown up or the way that you have been socialised has been conditioned towards failure. So in order to even out the playing field you have to take control today and really be able to make that switch and apply it to be pushing yourself to becoming winner. So you need to be raising your awareness right now really begin to notice the things when you are doing right and ask yourself are these things positively impacting your life in a good way and also to notice what things that you are doing that would be taking you downwards away from your goals away from the type of results that you want to be achieving. If you notice yourself doing something that you know that you shouldn’t be doing immediately take charge take control and tell yourself “This is NOT Good Enough”. Showing yourself that those actions are not the right thing to be doing as it is not the right behaviour for you to be taking action on and it is not going help you at all in the long term. You need to be able to pay attention to yourself and really notice to what you are doing paying attention to any behaviour or even any patterns any routines that you are doing that are making yourself feel negative and anything that is taking you off track you need to be able to eliminate it out of your life and out of your behavioural patterns immediately. 

The Difference Between Success & Complete Chaos: A Tiny Little Shift

The Difference Between Success & Complete Chaos!

There are moments in your life when it seems like everything is going wrong where everything has been turned upside down and you simply can not seem to find the answer. You might of that you have tried everything, everything that you could possibly think of to make things work and to really push through but it seems like there simply is no solution and that things will simply not straighten out. Everything is chaos and you just cant seem to be able to get it all together at that very moment you need to be able to consider the difference between that situation where you are being successful at having what you want might only be a little tiny decision or even a little tiny difference.

Quit often you might find that all that you need to do to become more successful is most likely just a little slight switch, a slight tweak in your reality the way that you are viewing it in your mind to be able to change all the results that you are getting and it might even sound kind of ridiculous because it seems like everything you do to make things better is just impossible, the difference between everything being impossible then everything being perfect is so huge but actually most of the time it is just a little tweak that you need to create within yourself. You might even experience this multiple times in your life having that feeling, thinking that everything is up-side down and nothing is working then when you change one little thing and everything seems to fall into place. The first thing that you need to be doing is to be able to take on that belief and also to understand that it really is just a tiny little switch that you need to be making. You have to really believe that it is possible to change it with just a little tiny tweak in your talent or your phycology and once you really do believe that you actually have to go through the change, the change most of the time is not that much of a bad thing and in fact you might notice that a lot of the time it will happen automatically. So sometimes without even trying to do something just by starting some more material or even being able to listen to some ideas and concepts then all of a sudden it will just click and everything will make sense. It might take you an hour, or it might even take three days, you might find that it could take upto three weeks sometimes, it might even take a longer time then that. But what will happen if you keep listening to new ideas and you are keeping an open mind all of a sudden you will see something that can really make all of the difference.  

Another thing to do is to really begin to be able to analyse what the problem is and to get really specific and not to see it worse than what it actually is because it is so easy for us to convince ourselves that your own situations are miserable and that everything is messed up if just the slightest thing is out of place. You have to be able to learn to see things for what they are, as it is thinking that it is worse than what it is and the moment that you do this you will begin to feel that you can really have some power back. Once you are able to see things as they are instead of thinking that things are worse than what they are you have to be able to take things higher than what they are making it so that you will be able to see things better than what they actually are. So then once you are able to see things for the way that you want them to be you have to be able to ask yourself the simple question of “What is required? Or what am I missing in order to get to that point?” Now if that means a complete revamp of your whole entire life and your personal life style then maybe that is it. But most of the time it will just be a tiny little switch that you where looking for and if you could only make that it can change everything that is actually what you need to do to get exactly what you need to be doing so don’t allow the circumstances to get the better of you. Take control of your life by making that switch by finding out what it is that you need to be going then make it happen.