Is It Time For You To Raise Your Standards?

Is It Time For You To Raise Your Standards?

Is it time for you to raise your standards? If you want some new results, if you want some new amazing things from life it is very simple. If you want to achieve some new amazing things in any area of field. It is very simple all that you really need to do is to raise your standards because us human-beings are simple creatures we tend to perform to the degree in a level in which we expect ourselves to sometimes a little bit lower and sometimes a little bit higher but most of the time we settle somewhere just around that range of which we expect from ourselves.

What we tend to do very naturally is set ourselves lower expectations than the potential that we ultimately have and in fact a lot lower because your potential is never ending and you are capable of so many things that you can never imagine and then the problem becomes that we set those expectations way too low so if you want some new amazing results. Very simply raise your standard for yourself a lot that doesn’t mean that you should be expecting much more from other people around you or the environment around you but from yourself because that is really where it all comes from if you want to achieve some new things, if you want to go to the next level, if you want to achieve better results it is all upto you. It is comes down to: “What Do You Expect From You?” because you will find that to raise your standards for yourself it is very heavily determined by your self-perception, your belief about yourself as it ultimately leads you to what you have right now is a result of the way that you have believed about yourself, your perception of yourself, your vision of the world around you. The way that you receive everything and then the expectations that you have set for yourself often as a result of what other people expect from you and that is why you have what you have

If you have already taken control and you have said that you are going to take charge of your life, you are going to take charge of the direction of your life and the course of your life and you are going to steer your own expectations, and you are going to heighten them then that is absolutely amazing that is actuality what you need to do.

Control Your Life – Motivational Video 2015

Control Your Life

If you don’t take control of your life, life will control you. There is always going to be something that comes up, life it comes up for everyone. But it is not about that it is about what you do with it, it’s about how you respond to it. Now that can make you wonder what could you achieve if only you gave it absolutely every last drop of energy within you? What could you accomplish with if you applied all of you, committed, dedicated stubborn to the bone in that you won’t give up on it no matter what happens.

You become obsessed to such an extreme that you breath and eat for it, that every part of your life is a reflection of that one thing that you know means more than anything else to you. Most people call that extreme, successful people call that doing what it takes to become successful because everyday something happens. In this world someone is effected, a victim of life. If you become a victim of life you are helpless but then if you take control of your life you become powerful beyond measure. As far as you know you have been given this one chance to do what you have to do to let what ever gifts talents abilities of what has been given to you develop and express itself fully.

Making excuses is not part of the equation but can you ask yourself the question do you want comfort? or do you want massive rapid growth in success? Now remember this is the key if you are going to take control of your life you can not remain the same person that was victimised by. You can not remain as your weak-self and do extraordinary things. You can not reach your potential if you are someone that has nothing going, no strength or determination or will-power to go through what ever it takes to get what you want. That weak human being can not reach your ultimate goals and visions.

The fact of the matter is you are shaping your own destiny in this very moment. Now what did you do today to get yourself one step closer to that goal? What ever life brought up how did you handle it? How did you deal with it? If you didn’t then look at how you can do it better next time because you can not let it keep stopping you, keep locking you and ruin your success ruining your future.

Learning To Enjoy The Process: Magic Pill Society

Enjoying The Process!

One thing that you should learn to do this immediately is to actually enjoy the process of any goal that you are trying to achieve. Anything that you are moving towards it is very valuable if you can learn to truly enjoy and experience the process to its fullest.

You need to understand that we live in a world that is filled with “Magic Pill” society where people want success fame and glory overnight but you need to understand that it is not going to happen as it is pretty obvious that to get what you want to achieve you have to earn your position and that is what you are going to have to do. So you might as well learn to enjoy the process as you might as well be learning the ins and outs of what you want to achieve. So in that case you might as well be trying to really get the most out of it instead of constantly thinking about what results you are going to get or instead of constantly trying to look for results you need to be focusing on what you are doing fully by bringing more presences into it. Not only because it will become more enjoyable but also because it is that much more effective and it then means that you are going to get things done better and of higher quality.

So you will find that it is beneficial if you could really learn to enjoy the process towards anything that you are working towards to accomplish a lot more because it is going to give you are lot more joy and happiness out of it. Also you will find that it is ultimately about the experience of the journey as it is what shapes you and makes you the person that deserves the goals and results at the end. So don’t try to rush things don’t try to push things faster than what they are meant to move towards as you will take everything that you have to make sure that you are taking massive action of cause but you need to be able to learn to deal with the obstacles. Also to be able to handle the objections and rejections where you are able to keep on moving forward. Pushing yourself so that you are able to enjoy that process so there is absolutely no reason for you to not enjoy the process but you need to make sure that you stay goal oriented and also that you don’t get lost in the process where you are not moving towards results. Don’t allow yourself to become complacent!
Need to be able to stay focused on what it is that you are trying to achieve but at the same time really being able to take it in, taking in the journey, taking in the grind and hustle by giving it your all and becoming fully present with the journey. Even if it seems hard, even if it seems difficult and even if it is painful for you. You need to be able to learn to really make the most out of the process because that it is the quality that few people have and that is the reason a few people get results. As you will find that if you are not enjoying process, if you don’t enjoy the slow and steady progress then you are not going to be able to get the goal at the end. As you have to stay patient, you have to stay consistent and you have to stay in the game for long enough to actually win so again it is very vital that you actually learn to enjoy every step of the process that you don’t push things faster than what they are meant to be moving but that you actually just take massive action. Stay consistent and keep on moving forward no matter what as this goes hand in hand with persistence and patience staying focused on your goal but it is so vital and you can move without it as you have to learn to really enjoy it otherwise you will try to fake it and you will find that you will probably not be able to make it all of the way to where you want to be.

Letting Go of The Old: In Order To Make Room For The New!

Letting Go Of The Old!

Letting go of the old to let in the new is in fact is hard for some people as it gets them out of there comfortable environment and because of this we become complacent and we start to hold to what the old in an effort to protect ourselves instead of expanding and pushing further to achieve more. But what you have to realise with change comes new results so in order to obtain those results you have to let go of your old ones. Sometimes you have to sacrifice what you have right now such as your current comfort in order to expand and to get your next targets and goals that you want to achieve.

 So when you are pushing yourself to be letting go of the old you will find that it is not enough to just sit there trying to hang onto the old habits and also the circumstances that are in right now. Instead you should be trying to go for that new things that are going to help you to grow as a person as you will find out that you have to completely let go of what you are currently hanging onto in order to gain the new. Not only because that is required of you in order to get the new results but also because it is limiting your mind from expanding and also stopping you from taking the next level of action. Sometimes you will have to make the jump the leap of faith to gain what you really want to achieve, sometimes you have to take yourself to next level of growth, sometimes you have to entirely shift what you are doing all together in order to really create some amazing results.
Creating results that might even go over to different areas of your life and depending on where you are at right now you have to push yourself in order to gain next big shift in your personal growth. You may not always know what the next big move is for as you have to figure it out for yourself it is not going to be presented to you on a “Silver Platte” as you have to earn it. As you have to understand your own intrusion of where you want to be heading and also have following your gut as that is most likely where you have probably had  a strong feeling about what you need to do in order to move to the next step in your life. But  you need to understand that the biggest problem with this is that you will feel fearful about what comes next. You will find with this that the biggest problem that you gain from being scared is that stops you from continue it causing you to be pause yourself from achieving the best that you can. But the worst is that most of the time it will freak you out so much that you decide that you no longer need to do this. So you will find that fear is part of the old you, fear is part of that old pattern that you used to live and it is also part of what you have to let go of sacrificing that in order to get that new and amazing results that you know you can create.
Putting your attention on sacrificing the feeling of fear will really help you to create the new habits that will help you achieve the next level in your life. As you will find that really need to be letting go of the old in order to be able to gain the new that you need to move forward. You have to be willing to sacrifice your comfort right now because you have to be willing to  step into fear facing it, you have to be willing to really expand yourself and push yourself beyond your very own limits. That can become very difficult and frustrating if you find that you are someone who likes to stick to the old not allowing yourself the option to gain the new, if you are someone who likes to stay in comfort rather than getting uncomfortable to grow, then you will find that are someone who wants who just wants to hang onto comfort and fears uncomfort. If you are that person that you will find that it will become very hard or you to hold onto the old.
But regardless it is necessary for your growth to face uncomfort as it is critical and vital for your personal growth. You will find that you can’t go without it and there is no way around it because you have to be able to let go of your comfort right now in order to gain more success in the future. What ever it is that you are hanging onto so tightly the universe might be giving you a sign that you need to let it go. It might be a good sign for you to take yourself to the next level and instead of trying to persevere you need to expand because you will find that getting caught in persevering things and keeping it by holding onto things is limit you and make you weak. Whereas if you expand and you let go of the old it will allow you to create room for new amazing things to come in. Expanding and taking yourself to the next level is so much more powerful and you will be able to create so much more amazing results.

Expanding Your Mind: Thinking BIGGER

Expand Your Mind!

Often you will find in in life when you are encountering some problems or if you are encountering some issues and even if things seem to be going slow and stale you need to understand it is simply because you are thinking too small. A lot of us tend to set small goals and try to move towards those smaller goals because they seem be more achievable than what you ultimately want to achieve and there for you begin to think that it is easier for you to get those smaller goals are they are more reasonable.

But if you don’t have some big grand goals, big grand ideas and also some huge motivation within you it is very likely that you will become super passionate and fired up throughout your day as you have something that you are working towards. In fact need to actually have to create your life where it is set up in a way where things that surround you help to push you in the right direction, the thoughts that you are creating need to be huge. That you are thinking way bigger than what you usually do and also you are thinking much bigger than what most people are on a daily basis.  You will find that when you do this you tend to find that you are way more motivated to work harder then what most people are doing on a daily basis and even right now as you read this. In order to be able to change this stale and slow situation where you are just grinding it out and just about making it through the day doing the most basic tasks that you have to do. Finding that you are not really excelling in what you want to achieve, not really improving your personal mind to a higher level. There will be time where you are just simply shifting through taking on some big thoughts, taking on some bigger goals and also taking on some bigger ideas and perception instead of just thinking in this tiny little box where you are limited and drowning your potential. As you can’t really do anything go there way that you want it to go or make an impact where you want to be creating a big difference in people lives.
You will consistently find that there is always going to be problems in your life but its more important to be able to see the matter of the quality in those issues. If you want to have higher quality outputs then I am betting that your main issue is that in your own little life bubble that you need to simply be thinking bigger. It is as simple as expanding your mind to the next level and also adapting your own personal thinking to help move in the right direction. When you take action into creating a more deeper thinking environment you will find that it really does help you to take yourself to a whole another level. In terms of the way that you are seeing things, your very own perception about the way things shape out and also your ideas. It is simply about how you are implement techniques to change the way that you are thinking about them. As you will find that one thing is to increase your personal goals by 100x but another thing is actually increasing the actions that are required of you to achieve your goals 100x more than before. When you increase the effort that you put into your actions you will find that you will progress into a whole another level of what you where doing before maybe even seeing a shift in the way you are thinking about your goals. Then when you have realise that direction relation between your actions and your goals, you need to realise if you want to achieve goals that are way bigger you are going to have to act move breath behave doing everything that you possibly can become way bigger.

Responding Powerfully: To Any Situation!

Responding Powerfully:

To Any Situation!

When you take a little hit in life or even when something challenging comes up in your life most people will like to back off and become weak as it is commonly found that the moment things become challenging people give up and stop trying. They get discouraged about what they are trying to achieve the dreams they want to live up to and they just simply stop moving forward and they also stop giving there all when in all reality what you need to do every single day the whole entire time any given moment where you are being challenged is that you need to step up and respond powerfully.

There is something that most people miss is that they need to respond to challenges with a very powerful state of mind no matter what happens in your own personal life as you need to be responding with power no matter what goes on you have to respond powerfully instead of weakly. So you have to step up to any given situation in your life as you have to claim responsibility and the simple reason for this is that you will become more successful if you do so. You will find that you will have less problems, you will also have less challenges coming up and will be able to master up even more. So when ever something comes up in your life that is challenging you or even difficult to you I want to be able to stand up and really put your chest out and say: “I am Going to Handle This!” because anything less will lead you down a path of weakness. When you are lead down a path of weakness it will simply be perfetic. Now of cause that is a easy option to take in your own life as you are naturally inclined to move down that route as you are naturally inclined to back off and give up. But if you can just push through that and get a little uncomfortable and handle things with power and handle things with responsibility you will have a lot better results. You will get to where you want to be a lot faster if you handle things properly as you take it and make it the best that it could possibly become you will be so much more successful so much more fulfilled and also so much more happier. Simply because you are dealing with things probably instead of being weak and backing off when a challenge comes up you put your chest out and you say: “I am Going to Handle This!” again if you loose some momentum or you have that feeling that things aren’t going your way you need to understand that it is your responsibility to take charge and start to be creating more momentum doing more so that you create the results that you want. It is nobody else problem as it is your own personal problem and thats why you have to take charge that is why you have to take responsibility because no one will care as much for your life and your problems as much as you will. 

Need to realise that you don’t need to have everybody else to care or to simplify with you as you what you ned to do is look at it as what do I have to do? How can I handle this? and How can I go to the next level? As that is all that you need to be by not asking yourself: Why is this happening to me? What did I do wrong? Why do I deserve this? All of those weak responses fall into the same category and that category is No No! Don’t do it, Don’t go anywhere near that and definitely don’t behave like that because the way that you behave is the way that you will be reviewing results. As that is what you are getting results from anytime that you have to handle something handle it with power. Step up and really give it your all and don’t back off don’t become weak and don’t allow people to simplify with you and tell you: “It’s Ok And You Tried Your Best” You need to actually make it happen you need to actually get the results that you have set out to achieve as you need to be keeping your own word to yourself. There is no other way around that.

Addictions: Getting Rid of Your Old & Weak Self!


Getting Rid of Your Old & Weaker Self!

 Look the truth is that we all have something that like to pull us back to to our old and weaker selves. If you have been through a journey of improvement and consistent bettering of yourself it is very likely that there is something way back that is still pulling you and the fact is that you have to get rid of that completely in order to really take your success to the next level. There is no other way around it, if you keep going back to your old habits you will not be able to become the best that you can be, you will not be able to achieve all that you potentially could and if you are settling for going back and falling back into your bad old habits it is very likely that you won’t be successful.

So you have to realise that you are making a decision no matter what you are making a decision whether you think you are just going with the urges you are still making a decision for the weaker side of things and realise that you really have to concur these old habits these additions you have to get completely rid of them in order to really take yourself and what you are doing to the next level. Often times it is a lost chain that we get rid of it is the lost chain that might be holding you back right now from really taking what you do to the next level. Really realise that when you do any of these old bad habits so when you let yourself slip back you are not making any progress and you are not getting anything good out of it. It might temporally bring you good emotions but most of the time there very quickly turn into negative emotions because you know that you are messing yourself up. So regardless of what you have been through or where you have come from you, you need to understand that these things are not supposed to support you in the current moment and you have to let go of them completely in order to really become free. In order to have the freedom and success that you desire you have to first let go of the old and weak you. If you are trying to bring your old and weaker self to new opportunities that are on a whole different level you will not be able to make the most out of them then most likely you will completely fail and it is simply miserable if you would let your old and weak self come in a ruin your current amazing grow and progression you can not let that happen to you. If you focus enough on what you are doing and what matters to you these issues these problems this past old and weaker you will stop bothering you. Now it takes time it takes energy and most people are not willing to do that because they would rather give in to the current urge instead of doing the hard work that it takes that is required in order to completely get rid of it  and even though it serves you in the long term you know that it might be harder to do it right now because the urge is so strong but you have to just stick to it you can go with what you know that it is right to not give up no matter what. Let go of your old self let go of the weak you because it is not going to help you and it is not going move your forward also it is definitely not going to help you to get you to where you want to be.

Sticking To Your Goal: No Matter What!

Sticking to Your Goals: No Matter What!

A major mistake that most people make is giving up to easily most people will sacrifice there big lofty goals as they do not accomplish them because they do not believe that they can get there with the fear that they have some form of failure or set back.

It is more than common that people that people lower there targets and take down there goals and lesser themselves because they are not accomplishing what they want. You will find that because people are not creating the level of results that they desire instead of moving towards that and doing even more. But then they tend to put the objective down and give up on what they desire. An easy example is that when someone tries to loose weight and they can’t seem to get anywhere in the first month they simply give up and stop trying or they go on and off over and over again, they never seem to get anywhere or even any real results. Of cause if they would only stick to there goal and keep doing what they need to do for long enough they would get results eventually but you need to realise that it does take time. But what you have to do is to realise that and the same goes for any goal that you want to achieve that you may have. You have to stay through the difficult times in order to get the good times at the end, it is so simple it is almost stupid but it really is truth if you just stick through no matter what it is more way more likely that you will accomplish it just by virtue that you stuck it there and you kept going even if it was hard.

You will find that most people already know that if they stick to there passion even when times are tough that are is going to be good at the end of it but then are aware of it but they just don’t impact on it and that is what you need to be doing. Implementing on your passion putting in the time that it is going to take to make sure that you achieve your passion. Especially if you want to stand out in the crowd that you actually want to achieve your own personal goals. So you have to stay through no matter what happens, you have to keep going no matter what comes up you have to stay committed and consistent towards your goals in order to really accomplish them as that is the only way.
Look what happens is if you give up on one of your own personal goals it is then very likely that you will give up on the next one as well and that is what that downward is. You will find that you will never really accomplish anything if you just keep giving up on your own personal goals as you will never really get anywhere, it is so obvious. But then on the other hand and if you keep staying consistent and committed towards your goals, and you accomplish them one by one you will then build up a lot of momentum and it is so powerful it will take you to even higher goals and it will make everything much easier it also builds massive amounts of confidence in yourself and also trust in yourself in that you are capable and you have the ability to accomplish what you want, and that is more powerful than you could ever imagine having that level of confidence momentum moving for you makes everything so much more easy.
So if you want to really take your passion to the next level all that you have to do is stay committed to yours and not give up them for once if you have never done it before try it once then if you have done it before keep doing it because it really does work. There is always going to be reasons to quit and give up your job is to brush all of that aside and stay completely and entirely focused on your goal.

Be Proud (Motivational Talk: Take Pride In Yourself)

Be Proud!

You will find throughout our lives that we tend to belittle ourselves when it comes to our dreams, we also tend to put ourselves down telling ourself that we cant make it happen. Before you ask Yes! It is often due to the way that we have been brought up and even due to what people have told us countless amounts of times with something along the lines of: “That you are not good enough”, and also that: “You are not worthy of your dreams” but what you need to realise for yourself is that you need to be stepping into your own personal power and really getting back your own personal strength and stop letting your past to be effect you in the present moment allowing it to be putting you down. 

As you will work out that the power to move forward and the also the energy you project towards your passion it will only happen in the way that you allow it to happen. Energy and effort you put into something is going to be the same amount as what you achieve, because what you put in you receive in return. So then if you begin by cutting the chains off right now taking your personal power back it will actually absolutely change you, and will also change the circumstances you are facing in your own life immediately. You need to be putting out your chest and saying to yourself that: “I am proud of myself, I am proud of being a human being that has power that has strength that has capability of getting to where I ultimately want to be even if I am not there quite yet”
Need to realise that no matter what you have been through in the past and also no matter what you have come through trying to achieve the best that you can. I want you to be able to really feel that sense of proudness over yourself over your abilities over your talent over your gifts you should really start exploring them because you need to realise that if you can walk around feeling proud of yourself and what you are doing you will find that it opens you up a lot. Helping you to discover multiple opportunities to help move you in the right direction then you will find that if you are walking around in fear or even regret and shame that you will not really get far.
It is all about raising your own personal frequency changing it and shaping it so that you are moving in the right direction rather than allowing yourself to be walking around thinking that you can’t achieve your dreams. So you need to realise that the way that you are personally are operating on as frequency is also the way that you are breathing and walking around on a daily basis. You have to really be raising your own personal frequency to be able to improve that. It gives you a deep routed sense of confidence with in yourself and also allows you to be able to build trust in yourself in your own personal capacities and it also makes sure that you are not putting yourself down and rather consistently pushing yourself up.

The Power of Clarity: What It Can Do For YOU (Being Specific + Real Numbers)

What Clarity Can do For You!

Many people underestimate the power of being completely clear on where you are going and also being completely clear on your goal and your end result. You will find that people like to walk around with a rough idea or a cut in knowing what they want kind of knowing goal is. Need to realise that it is not very effective at all. 

Not being clear on your goals keeps you back holds you back and limits you from actually achieving them. Not being clear on what you need to do to get there has the same kind of effect so it is very important that you don’t avoid this but get it down. If you are not clear on the goal if you are just kind of going towards something that is better than no moving at all. But if you can be specifically clear about what you want to achieve it is very powerful and it takes you into the next level. Remember the secret to getting what you want to achieve is asking for it but you have to ask probably and you have to be asking with real numbers. The more that you move in the direction of your goals the more important that they become to become specific with what it is that you want. But the reason why most people avoid this is not because it is difficult to do but rather because they are afraid of failing when there are some real numbers involved and what you need to realise is that you will fail even more if you don’t involve some real numbers but then instead to just have some fluffy idea of where you are going constantly. 

Yes, it will work for you awhile but once you get closer and closer to your goals it will become really important that you are specifically working on what it is that you want. You have to be able to measure yourself and your progress by something and numbers are a great way to do it so you need to be setting yourself some numbers on your goals whether it is finance whether it is relationships whether it is making videos whether it is writing whether it is practicing some form of skill or even something to do with your fitness you need to be setting yourself some real numbers and be specific. This means being less dramatic but it also means being more effective it means actually going towards your goals knowing that this is the number that you are going for. A powerful  thing to do after that is to double that result that you want or even 10x that because when you are aiming even higher it is even more powerful and it is even more likely that you will get to where you want to be. You see it takes the same amount of time to make a $100,000 a year compared to making $1Million a year as it is all about how big do you want to think how big do you want to go with handling problems and obstacles what quality problems is it that you want to deal with. Then it is very likely that it will take the same amount of time to make nothing at all so look either way the time is going to past by so be critical with your personal thinking and be specific and clear with your own personal goals.